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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"You should like their going to drop a damn nuke on your ***," Ryoshine said and folded his hands behind his neck and stared up at the sky.

Director of Music:
Franz smiled wryly as he pulled out his flask again.  After taking a swing, he offered some to Ryoshine.  Matter of factly he replied, "No, not THAT deadly, but pretty close to it."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head and grabbed the flask and took a sip before handing it back to Franz. "Uh huh... well.. let's get to the cafeteria and eat breakfast, once we're done we'll father everyone in the briefing room," he said to Franz and started for the exit.

Director of Music:
The two men walked swiftly into the cafeteria.  He grabbed a roll and waited until Ryoshine finished grabbing what he wanted to eat.  They wordlessly sat at a table and began eating.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine wasn't that hungry and so all he had was a peice of toast with butter and a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Guiseppe and Jean sitting with their charges.

"Giorgia, after breakfast, head straight to the briefing room alright," he told her and didn't wait for an answer before walking over to Guiseppe and Jean and telling them the same things.


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