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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head and turned to Hillshire. "Weather you like it or not, we need him for this mission. You do anything to him and it's not just him who could die, but all of us," he said in a low tone so the cyborgs wouldn't hear, but he some-how knew it wouldn't matter thanks to their heightened senses.

"How can you trust this man so explicetly?" Hillshire asked, shooting him a look. Ryoshine sighed and placed his hand on Hillshires, releasing Franz's collar from the mans grip. "If you have a problem with him take it up with me later but not right now," he said and turned slightly. "Remember - you harm him then you potentially harm the integrity of this mission, and the director would rather not get word that several of his best agents are dead all because one of them held a grudge against someone," he said. The words made Hillshire scowl, but he knew Ryoshine was right. "Fine... but if compromise's this mission I'm holding you responsible," he said and got into the van.

He shook his head and looked at Franz. "Get into the van, we can talk more later," he said and got into the drivers seat.

Director of Music:
Franz calmly got in next to Giorgia.  The trip to the airport was a boring one.  Franz tried to cheer Giorgia up that she looked fine in the dress by complimenting her, but it seemed not to help.  In about two hours they arrived at the airport.

Kasawa Lanford:
The airport was a bustle of activity. People running to their gates, some grabbing their luggage and others checking in. As the van rolled up to one of the doors Ryoshine got out and walked toward the back. "Everyone back here," he called out and waited until everyone was there. "I'm sure most of you know what this is," he said as he opened up the lid on a trunk and pulled out a colt 45. "These are special, they won't let off the metal dector," he said and handed on to Hillshire. "Hide them some place that security made not pat you down at," he said.

He then handed one to Giorgia, Henrietta, Guiseppe, Jean, Triela, and Rico.

Director of Music:
Giorgia took the gun.  It felt light in her hands.  She hid it underneath her dress, as did most of the other cyborgs.  Franz merely stood to the side, watching this spectacle.  The group took a deep breath, tense, and went through security.  Security hardly payed attention.  Franz arched his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.  Hilshire signaled to their group.  "There's a couple of cars waiting in the back parking lot for us.  We'll have to go in different groups.  Split up...however you like.  Ryoshine?"

Kasawa Lanford:
"Upon arrivals we'll split up while heading to the hotel, just in case we have anyone who's more than curious about our presence," Ryoshine said as he stared at the flight information being displayed on a computer screen. "Henrietta, Triela, Rico, Giorgia. You four will sit together, try and act natural though ok?" Ryoshine said and got a few nods.

As he talked with them two men were keeping a close eye on them; occasionally looking up from their newspapers and speaking into a hidden mic.


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