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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz merely stood, casting an eye around the place.  He noticed two men, dressed to fit in with the crowd.  Franz hadn't been a military man and an assasin for years to not know this.  They were getting spyed on.  He figured something like this would happen.  However, if he moved too quickly, they would notice.  Too slow, and they'd probably end up dead.  Timing was everything.  As the two men continued to "read" the newspaper, Franz sidled up to Ryoshine as if he were commenting on the weather.

With a fake smile on his lips Franz talked.  "Don't look.  About a meter away.  Two men.  I daresay around their 30's.  Just nod and smile as if I've told you something funny.  We're getting spyed on.  I figured something like this would happen, but not this soon.  We have to move quickly."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded and cracked a smile. "Ok kids, we have a plane to catch," he said and waved them toward the security check in. As he watched he wondered if it was possible to take out the two men, he didn't want to risk doing it in a pubic area, so he hoped that they would lose the two men in the crowd.

Director of Music:
The group walked at a moderately fast pace.  Franz checked his watch once in a while to make it look like they were late.  He glanced over at the two men.  He was right.  They had gotten up and started to mix with the crowd.  He grabbed Giorgia's hand and tilted his head towards Ryoshine. They were arriving at the cars to take them to the right terminal.  So close...

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine watched as Hillshire and Triela, along with Jean and Rico moved into one car while Guiseppe, Henrietta and Giorgia got into their own. He stopped briefly and looked up at Franz, acting as if he was confused, "they still behind us?" he asked Franz and opened the door.

Director of Music:
Franz gritted his teeth.  "Yes."  Was his simple reply.  As soon as they got into the car, Franz took the wheel instead; paying the driver to stay silent.  He took the lead and in about 5 minutes, broke all the driving rules ever created.  However, they arrived at their terminal, and headed out.


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