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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Meanwhile,. Ryoshine had headed to his office.

He opened the door walked in, noting that more boxes had arrived. He began to unpack them and started setting up his office. It took him several minute's but he was finally through, he had set up his computer near the window, with a view of a garden outside currently being tended to by one of the child cyborgs.

"Despite what this agency stands for, this place is actually quite pleasant." He said to himself as he took a seat in his chair and booted up the computer. When the login screen appeared he entered in his username and password and logged into the Agency's network.

He brought up Giorgia's profile, which was expectectly bare since she had just started. "Let's see... I think tomorrow I'll start her on long range fire... while we'll mostly work alone.. it wouldn't hurt to have her learn how to use a sniper rifle.." Ryoshine said to himself.


Henrietta yawned as she stared at the clock. "Tired?" Rico asked from her bunk, Henrietta nodded. "Yes, even though its still early."

"Why not go and see how Giorgia is doing? She's new and I haven't heard of anyone bunking with her, she could be lonely." Rico said. Henrietta nodded, "I think I will," she said and left the room.

Rico shook her head and went back to sleep.

Director of Music:
Giorgia stood up and paced around the room.  All of her things were already there, not that she had a lot of possesions.   She spotted her jacket on the hanger.  She walked towards it and put a hand on the fabric.  She murmured something softly to herself, but then spotted something sticking out of the inside pocket of the jacket.  She hesitated for a moment, then put her hand inside the jacket. 

It was a photo.  She eyed the picture sadly.  She had taken  the picture that night.  That dinner.

It was her daddy.  All of a sudden there was a knock at the door, she had just hastily put the photo up when Henrietta walked in.

Henrietta had seen Giorgia hastily put something up.  "Hey Giorgia, whatcha up to?"

Don't give anything away

She smiled.  "Oh, hello Henrietta.  Nothing at all, really."

Henrietta replied, "I don't want to be nosy, but were you looking at something earlier?"

Giorgia glanced at the older girl.  ","  She smiled, "I barely have enough things as is..."

Henrietta smiled, but she was still a little cautious.  "Well, I  just wanted to check up on you..."

Giorgia gave Henrietta a nod.  "Thank you."

Kasawa Lanford:
The armory was quiet; Ryoshine had gone to practice his marksmanship skills alone. He took a 9mm out of the case and loaded a clip, he took aim at the far target and fired six rounds; all of which found their mark dead center.

Ejecting the clip, which clattered to the ground, he quickly took another from his back pocket and slapped it into the gun and fired off six more rounds, these ones aimed at the head of the target.

When he was done he ejected the spent clip and placed the gun on the table and walked over to the paper target. He looked it over and nodded, "seems I haven't lost my touch..." he said to himself as he tore the target off the rack and brought it with him to the table, he took a marker and circled all the holes he had made. He was impressed with himself, even though he'd been out of the military for some time, it still didn't harm his marksmanship skills.

He was about to go again when Hillshire appeared in the doorway. "Got a moment?" He asked. Ryoshine nodded, but didn't turn to him. "I heard you trained briefly with the American's in disabling bombs right?'

"That's right," Ryoshine said as he disassembled the gun.

"Well then we have a mission... there's a bomb at a theater and for some reason we've been called in..." Hillshire said.

Ryoshine blinked. "Why not call in the bomb squad?" he asked.

"Because they're busy with other bombs that have been reported in the surrounding areas, and we are actually the closest believe it or not. It’s a two hour drive from here to there, and according to the security guard who 'found' it, the clock listed that it would go off in four hours." Hillshire said and walked into the room. "So.... the director wants you to disarm it."

He nodded, "very well, let me get Giorgia and I'll meet you and Triela at the van. I'm driving," Ryoshine said with a smile on his face. Hillshire nodded, "We'll also be bringing Rico and Henrietta along," Hillshire said, "Ok, let Giorgia know for me please, I have to grab my equipment from the office," Hillshire nodded and left, Ryoshine reassembled the gun and placed it back in its original case, locking it and then placing the case in a vault.

Walking over to another case on the wall, he pulled out a M16D, it was modified from the American M16, this one had a laser sight and it's magazine held two times more ammo, its rate of fire was slower, but it was stable enough to where the accuracy was better the original M16. He placed the rifle in a case and headed out to the van, placing the case under the driver’s seat.

He went up to his office and retrieved his kit, he opened it to make sure everything was there. "Good.. good... nothing was damaged in transit," he said and carried the case back out to the van. He found that no one had arrived yet, so he placed the case in between the driver and passenger seats and leaned up against the driver's side door; tapping his foot in the process. This is crazy, I know I shouldn't bring Giorgia just yet, but this should be a milk run considering law enforcement already secured the building, she'll be there as an observant and learn from the others.. he said to himself and continued to wait.

Director of Music:
Hillshire hurried into Giorgia's room

"Henrietta! Giorgia!  Both of you girls hurry on down to the front.  Oh, you'll need this."  He threw both girls an equipment bag.  He nodded towards Henrietta.  "We're disarming a bomb.  At the moment, we may not need guns, but if we do, it's all in that bag.  Giorgia, Ryoshine is getting his equipment bag.  You two meet us down in front.  5 minutes.  Henrietta, help Giorgia."

Henrietta nodded and motioned for Giorgia to follow.  The girls hurried after Hillshire, when Hillshire stopped abruptly.  "Gioriga, just so you know, you'll be watching this one.  You won't need to take action unless absolutely necessary."

"Yes sir" Giorgia replied.  Hillshire nodded and they hurried out to where Ryoshine was waiting.

"Here's your charge Ryoshine."  He nodded towards Giorgia.  "Guisuppe is gathering up the others."

Kasawa Lanford:
"Alright," Ryoshine said and opened the drivers side door and got in. He turned the van on and turned up the AC, as it was rather warm outside right now.

They didn't have to wait long, Triela and Rico soon arrived and got into the van. Once Giorgia and Hillshire got in, he drove through the gate.

Along the way Henrietta removed the 9mm from her bag and checked it. Rico and Triela followed up with their own weapons, "keep them hidden..." Hillshire said, the three girls nodded and placed their guns back in the equipment bag.


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