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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"Remind me not to let you drive my car when we get back," Ryoshine said as he got out of the car. "But we seem to have lost them," he smiled when he didn't see either of the two men.

Inside the terminal Triela, Rico, Hillshire and Jean were waiting patiently for them, Ryoshine didn't know how they had arrived before them but was glad none the same. "Seem's our plane has arrived," he said as he glanced up at the arrival screen that was hanging from the ceiling."Let's go," he said and began toward the counter that the boarding ramp for their plane was at.

Director of Music:
Franz grinned and walked a long side Ryoshine and Giorgia as they boarded the plane.  Being in the agency had its perks; the airplane was more of a jet.  Its leather interior and smiling staff greeted him.  As he slank down in the plush black leathered chair, one stewardess offered him whiskey and walked to the other men to ask what they wanted to drink as well.

Kasawa Lanford:
Guiseppe and Jean just wanted some coffee, while Hillshire just waved her by. "Whiskey please," he told her. She left and returned a minute or so later with a glass of whiskey.

"Five hour trip to America..." Ryoshine mumbled to himself and took a sip from his glass. "God only knows what's in store for us," he said and looked over at Giorgia and the other cyborgs.

Director of Music:
Giorgia drank her orange juice; she and Henrietta sat side by side, but Giorgia wasn't in a rush to start a conversation.  She peered out the window, admiring the view.

Franz sighed and slunk down in the chair even more, loosening his tie.  Closing his eyes, he replied, "We'll be ready for whatever it is, whenever we get there."

Kasawa Lanford:
"Yes, but I'm more so worried about whom we might be going after," he said and took another sip from his glass. "The man's in Houston, Texas...." he shook his head and looked out the window. Brings back painful memroies


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