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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

<< < (102/126) > >>

Director of Music:
That caught Franz's attention.  "Houston?"  That city brought back many memories.  Some of which he didn't mind if he forgot.

"Why not...New York, Colorado....but...Texas?"  Franz downed his whiskey, and undid his tie completely.  Not even realizing his nervous demeanor.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shrugged. "I'm only going where the intel takes me, our contact there will have more," he said and pushed his seat back and closed his eyes. He could feel the plane moving as it taxied down the runway.

Director of Music:
"Right." Franz breathed, slightly relaxing.  "Of course..."  He stared out of the window.  Closing his eyes again he murmured, "Thomas...I remember.."

Kasawa Lanford:
The plane dropped just slightly as it rose into the sky; passing through the cloud layer and then beyond. Ryoshine didn't say a word as the plane hit some turbulance, then leveled off. A sign went off telling passengers they could walk around.

Director of Music:
Franz slipped into a deep slumber.  The whiskey and the day's events getting to him.  It seemed as if someone was reaching out to him

Bietrich, you idiot!  What are you doing here?  What are you trying to prove?!  You have done nothing right!  You have no RIGHT to live!
Franz blocked his eyes from the bright light.  "Thomas...I'm sorry...
"Apologizing now?!  AFTER you've killed my wife and child and me.  Me.  Your friend, Bietrich.  How could you?"  The figure walked forward.   A young, handsome looking Lietenanut appeared.  HIs features however, contorted.  Franz gasped.  The Lietenaunt was holding a gun, aimed straight at his head.
"You'll get what's coming to you.."

Franz's body had a tremor go through it, his whole body shivering, his body convulsing.


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