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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
The stewardness sighed slightly.  "He may have to take it easy.  His immune system is very weak.  That's most likely due to a lifetime of cigarettes, and perhaps some due to drinking."  She shifted her weight to her other foot, "He seems to have had a 'day' terror.  Or rather, a flashback, an hallucination."

Kasawa Lanford:
"Of what I wonder..." Ryoshine said as she clasped his hands in front of his face and stared at Franz.

Director of Music:
Giorgia stared long and hard at Franz.  What was wrong with him?  Would he end up being okay?  What would terrorize this man of steel?

Giorgia spoke up softly.  "Erm...but will he be okay?"

The stewardess looked kindly down on Giorgia.  "He'll be fine, sweetheart.  Just take him off those cigarettes and beers."

Hilshire snorted.  "Why are you so worried about him, Giorgia?  He's just a-"

The stewardness watched him, so did everyone else.  Hilshire just grumbled and didn't finish his sentence.

Kasawa Lanford:
"He will be off his cigarettes and beer, because once we arrive there will be 'no' drinking of any sort or smoking as we don't want our cover blown," he said and looked at Hillshire, then at Guiseppe. "We will all remind him of that alright?" he said and got several nods.

Director of Music:
Gioriga smiled and nodded, although she still didn't like the look Hilshire gave.  She peered out the window.  The stewardness said it would still be another two hours until they landed.


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