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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
The aircraft made a slow dive over the ocean as it approuched the florida coast line. It flew over fishing boats that were out on the water, the crew on board waved at the small aircraft almost as if they could see the occupents inside.

"We'll be landing shortly for refueling before continuing to our destination, all passenger please remain seated," the captain said over the internal PA. The aircarft jumped slightly as the landing gear was deployed, stretching out to meet the landing strip that was fast approuching.

Another bump reverbrated through the craft as they touched down onto the tarmak and continued to roll until the pilot reversed thrust to slow it down further. Then he steered the air craft toward an awaiting tanker. "It'll take a few minute's to fill," Ryoshine said to himself and stretched his arms. "Then it'll be another one or two hours flight.... let's just hope it remains peaceful," he smiled.

Director of Music:
Giorgia sighed softly to herself as she played with the hem of her dress.  Stealing glances at Ryoshine and Franz once in a while, she began to drift off into sleep.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine didn't feel the aircraft as he took from the airport and ascended into the sky. Passing the growing clouds, it continued its voyage to Houston, Texas.

It didn't take long before the aircraft arrived at the airport. Ryoshine, who was awoken by the stewardess, went over to wake the others up. "Giorgia," he said softly to her and nudged her shoulder. "Time to wake up, we've arrived," he told her.

Director of Music:
Giorgia immediately awoke at the slightest touch of Ryoshine's hand.  She got up and stretched, only to find Franz very slowly trying to get up.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled and turned to Franz. "How are you feeling?" he asked the man as Guiseppe and Jean exited the aircraft, accompanied by their cyborg companions.


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