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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz mumbled a very indistinct curse as he got up.  He smiled a wry smile as he turned and looked at Ryoshine.  "Could have been worse."  He slowly got up and staggered off the aircraft.  Giorgia eyed Franz worriedly as she exited after him.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine looked at the airport; it was a pleasant view from his perch atop the aircraft's entrance and exit. "Such a beautiful place, let's just hope we get our mission done quickly and get back to our base," he said as he walked down the flight of stairs onto the tarmak.

Near the terminal was a blue van; it's engine was off and two men wearing camoflauge units stood near a large box.

Director of Music:
As she entered the lobby of the airport, almost at once she could feel the heat of Hoston.

"Aw's boiling here!"  She said.  She followed Ryoshine and the rest of the group.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Hello SIr, we have your early christmas presents" one of the men said as he opened the create briefly to reveal their weapons, before closing it and placing it in the back of the van. "They are all here," he said.

"So it seem's," Ryoshine said. "What about the 'bigger' gifts?" he added

The man dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled a peice of paper and handed it to Ryoshine. He opened it up and nodded, "very well then, thank you for getting these past security," he said before walking around the van and opening the drivers side door. "Everyone in!" he shouted as the two men ran off to their own cars.

Director of Music:
Giorgia watched the exchange between the men and hurried into the van with the rest of the team.  Franz had managed to have a spurt of energy and get himself in, but he was now breathing heavily and very anxious.  He reached inside his pocket for a ciggarette but Giorgia grabbed it out of his hands.

"No way."


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