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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
The drive to the hotel was uneventful, other than the traffic which made Ryoshine curse a few words in another language (german). When he pulled up to the hotel entrance he leaned over the drivers seat. "Giorgia, Henrietta, Rico, Triela - grab a pistol from the case and hide it on your person. However, don't pull it unless you feel we are absolutely threatened - I'd prefer 'not' to have a firefight here in this hotel, and espically not with how jumpy American police can be at times," he said to the girls.

He looked back through the windshield before addressing Franz and the other adults. "Same for the rest of us, pistol only. We'll carry the case up to our hotel room and distribute the weapons accordingly. After that we should get settled in before doing anything else," he said and opened the drivers side door while Jean and Guiseppe handed out pistols.

Director of Music:
"Yes sir" Said Giorgia as she grabbed a pistol from Guiseppe, while keeping an eye on Franz who had gotten one from Jean.  They exited the van and the group entered the posh hotel.

Kasawa Lanford:
In the hotel lobby Ryoshine was talking with the person behind the desk. "Thank you sir for choosing us," the girl said and handed him four keys. "Fourth floor, third room from the left of the stairway," she said.

"Thank you ma'am," Ryoshine said and headed over to an elevator to wait for the others.

Director of Music:
Giorgia was furiously refusing to hand over Franz's ciggarette, while Franz was muttering under his breath, arguing with her.  The two stood next to Ryoshine, still bickering.  Giorgia tugged on Ryoshine's sleeve for help.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed and turned to Franz. "There's a no smoking sign here ya know," he said and thumbed toward a small sign on the wall that was in various languages. "Don't make take those ciggerette's and use them for target practice," he smiled at the man.


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