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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz sighed dejectedly but said nothng more as he just shoved his hands in his pockets.  Giorgia brightened up immensely as the group entered their hotel rooms.

Kasawa Lanford:
The room was small; in fact, smaller than Ryoshine had figured. There were three beds, each seperated by a drawer. Toward the back of the room was a small table with two chairs on it; the window was covered up by curtains.

"Get settled in; meet in the lobby in twenty," he said to Jean and the others before walking into the room. "Franz, you take the bed on the far end.. Giorgia you sleep near the window and I'll be in the middle bed," he said. He intentionally set it up so Franz wasn't near Giorgia, while he trusted the man, he knew he had to keep his distance, both for his sake and for Giorgias.

Director of Music:
Franz nodded, absently brushing his hair back with his hand.  He threw his luggage on his bed, changing his shirt and pants in the restroom.  Meanwhile, Giorgia had dragged her bag onto her bed near the window, and opened it up to grab a few more rounds of ammo.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine stared out the window of their hotel, he spied two men on the farside of the parking lot - one was peering through a set of binoculars while the other was smoking a ciggeratte. "Hmmm...." Ryoshine said as he watched the two men.

"Hey Franz," he said and beckoned for the man to take a look. "Giorgia, you too," he added.

Director of Music:
Franz quickly came out from the restroom and stood near Ryoshine.  A small frown came creeping onto Franz'z face.  "Those...bast-"  then caught himself quickly as he realized Giorgia was looking out as well.  Franz grumbled.  "Just let me kill them now..."


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