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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head. "No, not yet. First I'd rather take them both alive and get some information out of them," he said and looked down at Giorgia. "Hmmm.... let's just watch them for a little while longer, if they are still there tonight then," he smiled at Giorgia. "You'll go in and bring them both here, just don't hurt them... much.."

Director of Music:
Giorgia grinned mischiveously as she nodded.  She looked up at both men as Franz grinned back down at her and ruffled her hair.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled and walked away from the window, he grabbed a remote and turned it on to the local news. The woman there spoke about some police presence at the airport, then swifted to something that, at least to Ryoshine, was boring. "You hungry Franz? Giorgia?" he asked.

Director of Music:
"Nope."  replied Franz.

"Yep!" Replied Giorgia.

Franz chuckled.  "Why don't we go down to the lobby to see if the hotel as some dining place, then, Ryoshine?

Kasawa Lanford:
"We can do that," Ryoshine said and walked out of the room. He tapped on the door being shared by Guisepp and Jean. "We are headed down to the lobby if you need us," he told them.

"Fine," Jean said from inside. "We'll be down in a few," he said.


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