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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia skipped down happily while Franz gave her quiet warnings to not act so rambunctious.  The trio found a small cafe on the lobby of the hotel.  They seated themselves and looked through the menu.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine stared at the food items that were availible. He hummed to himself as he made up his mind on what he would get, "well I know what I'm getting," he said and then turned toward Franz and Giorgia. "What about you two?" he asked.

Director of Music:
"I'm not very hungry."  replied Franz.  "I feel like getting a drink though."  He said enthusiastically.

Giorgia piped up, beaming.  "No alcohol though, Mr. Franz." She said, grinning.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smirked. "You heard her," he said and grinned at Franz. "I guess I'll get me some coffe," he said and waited until a waiter came by to take their drink order.

When Ryoshine said what he wanted to drink; the man nodded and wrote it down, and then turned his attention to Giorgia. "What do you want young lady?" he asked Giorgia, his manner of speech told Ryoshine that the man was married, possibly had a child. The mans voice was full of care, yet he had also chosen his words carefully.

Director of Music:
Franz groaned, but good naturedly.

Giorgia, with her best manners replied, "I'd like apple juice, and this sandwich, please sir."  The waiter nodded and turned to Franz. "And you, sir?"

Franz eyed both Ryoshine and Giorgia.  Taking a deep breath he replied, "I'd like..........b-...Ice tea" He said, grinning.

The waiter nodded and left.


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