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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia sat quietly in the back seat watching the other girls go through the procedures.  Hillshire was going through the plan, while Ryoshine was driving and listening.  The girls nodded calmly.  Giorgia noticed wryly that all trace of human emotion in their face was gone too.

Kasawa Lanford:
The two-hour drive had turned into three when the Van ran into heavy traffic, this angered Ryoshine as he knew how delicate a mission this was. Finally finding an off-ramp, he used several back streets he knew of to get to the theater; once there he saw just how much in terms of law enforcement had been called in - two squad cars.

"You've gotta be joking me... there's a bomb inside and they only send two cars?" Ryoshine said, angered. He parked the Van toward the front where an officer walked up to his driver side, "Hello Sir, I take it you’re the one who is here to disarm the bomb?" he asked.

"We are, but tell me why there are only two squad cars first.." Ryoshine said after stepping out of the van and retrieving both his bomb disarming kit and his rifle case. "There's been several scare's throughout the city, most pointed at the local schools so this is all the department could spare." The officer said, waving his hand to the two cars parked by a water fountain. This fountain had a statue in the center, with water gushing out of four small 'holes' on the head. After listening to the cop's excuse's he turned to Giorgia and said, "Stay near Henrietta," he didn't want her to be near him in the event the bomb exploded; while he doubted that would happen he had no choice but to assume the worst.

He nodded. "Uh huh... well at least this is one bomb they won't have to worry about, just keep the place secure and watch for any unexpected visitors." Ryoshine said and walked toward the set of four double doors. He stopped just short of the middle one before turning toward Hillshire and Guisuppe. "This is a delicate operation here, so peace and quiet is a must." he said, the two handlers nodded and relayed the same message to their charges.


Some distance from the theater, in a bell tower. A man hefted a set of binoculars and stared down the len's. "Sooo.... they have arrived..." the man said, a grin stretched across his face. "Don't do anything just yet, there's still forty minutes left on the bomb, let's wait until he had ten minutes left."

"You sure he won't disarm it before then?" An older woman in her thirties said, concerned. "Nah... not this type... he'll quickly discover why the Italian Police asked for the Agency to send him to do it..." The man let out a small, evil laugh before putting the binoculars down. "Once he hits the ten minute mark, we'll attack..."

Director of Music:
Giuseppe and Hillshire stood with their backs facing Ryoshine.  Henrietta, Triela, and Rico were stationed near by in case anything did happen.  Giorgia stood with Henrietta.  Her brown hair swaying in the wind.  Her eyes intent on her handler.

Hillshire stood looking at his watch.  "You've got 30 minutes, Ryoshine."

Kasawa Lanford:
"DIsarming a bomb can't be rushed," Ryoshine said as he walked toward the concession stand, it didn't take long to locate the bomb as it was behind the stands. He looked it over and let out a low whistle. "Nice... we aren't dealing with armatures that’s for sure.." he said to himself as he laid his kit down and opened it up.

He began his work and started by first locating the easy thing - wires. Looking over the bomb he found no wire's of any sort that could be cut, everything was shielded and encased inside the device. "No wires.... hmmm..." he said and went to plan B.

Taking his screw driver, he began to pop some screws off, when the last of four of the screws on a plate of metal had been removed, the metal plate fell to the ground with a soft 'clang' when he looked inside he was, once again, disappointed. "Damn it..." he said when he noticed that all the wires were of the same color.

What should've taken five minutes, went on for the next nineteen minutes instead. He took a cloth and wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was now dealing with a digital display that displayed the amount of time remaining. "Very sophisticated.." he said.

"How so?" Hillshire said from beyond the stands. "This bomb is a mixture of American, Italian and German technology... it's got American ingenuity, Italian toughness.. and most likely German explosives.." he said, "So your saying you can't disarm it?" Hillshire asked, impatient. "I never said that, I'm saying that whomever planted this bomb thinks that no one can disarm it... but I can..." Ryoshine said as he popped open another part of the bomb's casing.

This time a big grin spread across his face - he had now located the detonating cord for the explosives, he just needed to cut them and they could head home. He took his wire cutters and began to cut the ten wires.


Outside the building; the four cops that had been guarding it were no where in sight, instead several blackened figures stuck to the alley ways and made their way toward the large building.

The lead of the group looked at his watch. "Two minutes..." he said.

Director of Music:
Giorgia watched Ryoshine intently.  All of a sudden, she felt there was a change in the air.  She looked at the other girls, and at Giuseppe and Hillshire.  None of them seemed to notice.  She tugged on Henrietta's sleeve.  But she just whispered, "Not now, Giorgia." 

She frowned.  Something was wrong.  She took a step foward to tell Ryoshine.  Hillshire quickly interfered.
"Get back to where you were Giorgia."  She nodded numbly.


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