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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"Almost," Ryoshine said as he placed the menu down. He slowly scanned the cafe with both eyes, he didn't sense any trouble, though he was alreayd aware of the trouble 'outside' the hotel.

He saw Henrietta and Rico, along with their respective handlers, enter the cafe and head to another table away from them. He knew they where both covering each other in the event something happened, though he couldn't see it, he could tell that Guiseppe and Jean both had their pistols, though he wondered if Henrietta and Rico had theirs.

Director of Music:
The waiter arrived back a couple of minutes later with the drinks and sanwich for Giorgia.  Franz merely sipped his iced tea, but gazed around.  Any sign of disturbing behavior, and he'd pin them down.

Kasawa Lanford:
"down boy," Ryoshine said softly. "I doubt anyone would try anything here, though I have heard the gangs here do tend to not care about civilians," he said.

Taking a sip from his coffee, his eyes fell upon a woman who was sitting with her back against them. He watched her closey, yet stealthy as well, making sure she didn't notice them. Ryoshine glanced over at Jean and thumbed his finger at the woman, he nodded and, with Rico, got up and joined the lady at her table.

Director of Music:
Franz narrowed his eyes slightly, taking in a man looking at their table.  He wore a black fitted t-shirt and rough blue jeans.  Very particular for an uptown hotel like this one.  Franz shifted in his seat.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Seem's we have company," Ryoshine said as he sighted yet another man. "Though I can't tell if they are friendly or not," he said and glnaced at Franz. "What do you think?" he asked him. "Could they be our contacts bodyguards? Or Assassins..."


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