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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
It felt like hours had gone by; but in reality only ten minutes had actually passed. The young lady gave Jean a curt nod before getting up and leaving, the man who he and Frans had seen before got up and had a brief conversation with the woman before following her out.

Jean then looked at Ryoshine before glancing toward the window. "Seem's before we can do 'anything' we'll have to take care of our watchdogs," he said and took another sip from his coffee. As he set it down he noticed that his cup was empty, and waved for a waiter to bring him a fresh brew. "Giorgia, you hungry for desert?"

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshone shook his head; he noticed that Giorgia seemed to be to preoccupied by her food than to hear him. He sat there and took a sip from his newly filled cup of coffee, then glanced out the cafe window. He saw the van in the distance and noticed two men come out, "Giorgia, Franz, I think we might have to step up our plans," he said as he watched the two men.

Director of Music:
Franz immediately stood up, blood boiling.  Giorgia seemed to have perked up as well, her eyes wide.  She followed Ryoshine's line of sight to see the two men come out and stick something into their pockets which were obviously pistols.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed and lifted his hand, he spun his finger in the air which caused Henrietta and Giuseppe, along with Triela and Rico and their handlers to get up and spread out throughout the hotel. "Giorgia, just knock them out 'try' not to kill them please. Franz, keep watch for others, I'm almost certain they have backup," he tells them and sticks his hands back into his pocket.


Rico and her handler made their way up the stairs and into their room, where she threw open a case and quickly took out a long barreled sniper rifle. With the room as dark as it can be, she set up in front of the partly opened window and trained her rifle on the two men that Jean pointed out. "Don't fire unless they pose a threat to Ryoshine and his cyborg," Jean said as he peered down the binoculars he had up to his face.


Henrietta and Triela both headed to an alleyway behind the hotel, holding semi-automatics and their handlers armed with just pistols. They waited just in case reinforcements arrived, and some how, they both knew something else may happen.

Director of Music:
Giorgia smiled, somewhat amused.  "I'll try real hard, sir."  And then quickly went off.

Franz merely nodded as he went the opposite way of Giorgia.


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