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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed and watched the men. "Let the fireworks begin," she said to himself.

The three men from the van looked around, both carrying semi-automatic rifles, while another was carrying a much more lethal, squad automatic weapon.

For Ryoshine, he knew this would turn out to be an interesting fight. "Ok gents, they're getting to close for comfort," he said over the squad headset. "Becareful, one's armed with a SAW," he added a second later.

Toya has returned!

Director of Music:
Giorgia ducked by a corner, keeping one eye trained onto the men, and another, for Ryoshine's signal.  She double checked her gun as the men shifted their positions slightly.  Giorgia raised the gun to eye level, making sure the cross hairs were lined up. 

Ryoshine gave her a thumb's up.  That was all Giorgia needed as she fired, aiming her first shot at one man's knee.  The man howled, but then crumpled.  The men were panicked, and their form was now scattered.  They didn't see who had shot one of their men, and now they were anxious.  It seemed to Giorgia that this group relied on structure and rules.  Once that was gone, well, so was their sense of calm.

Kasawa Lanford:
Another shot range out, though it was muffled due to the presence of a silencer. The bullet screamd down range from the roof the building and hit one of the men in the side of his chest, ripping it open, and causing him to hit the ground in utter pain. Now the men were glancing around, not firing their weapons but more so trying to figure out who was shooting at them.

"Giorgia, man in the back, black coat, wearing glasses.. he must be their leader - take him down with two knee shots," Ryoshine ordered as he stared down the binocs, he watched the scene and knew that there 'had' to be more around.

Director of Music:
"On it, sir."  She replied confidently.  Giorgia fired two shots that found their marks perfectly.  The man buckled, and fell to the ground, surprise etched on every feature on his face.

Franz came through one of the communication devices.  "Four more inside the building, gathering others, I believe.  Stay on the look out.  I've got the back side, but I'm running out  of ammo with only this pistol."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine repurposed his binocs toward said building and saw some movement behind the shutters, but not enough to get a clear indication of who was who. "Damn," he scowled and lowered the binocs and scanned the area around with just his eyes. "The vans immobile, and the those around it are either dead or wishing they were," he softly said and looked at Giorgia with a smile.

He then heard some commotion coming from the building.

"~Shit, they got a hostage,~" Guiseppe said over the squad com. "~A little girl, maybe no more than nine, and her mother it seems~"

Ryoshine cursed yet again. "Don't fire," he said and watched their movements. "Giorgia, aim high, head level, do 'not' miss, or you'll hit the girl and her mother," he said, his words somewhat full of venom from the sight of such cowardly acts.

He then switched to squad comm. "Jean, have Rico take out the remainer in the building. Franz, if you have enough ammo left, sweep the building after Jean gives the all clear signal," he said and watched the two men as they slowly, and mythidically, moved toward their disabled van with the little girl and her mother in tow.


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