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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia nodded, focusing her energy onto the location.  She saw it too, but from her angle at the moment, it would be near impossible to get a good shot in.  She dashed to another corner, and looked up.  It wasn't much better, but it would have to do.  This shot counted.

She crouched down, ready to pull the trigger, but then.

"Wait!" A sharp command from Franz.  Giorgia glanced up, distracted.  Why wait?  She could get the man.

"Don't shoot.  It's a decoy.  I'm up on that level.  I-"  Franz's voiced dropped drastically.  "Shizer..."  He glanced out the window.  "Look.  I'll take care of this.  You have company on ground level."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine blinked and glanced to his left and up, almost like he could see Jeans reaction. "Everyone cover ground, Jean, have Rico continue to monitor the decoys though.." he said and watched them, he did notice that the little didn't seem that frightened. An act? Why would a little girl willing play that role... he muttered.

Director of Music:
Franz leaned against the doorway of the room.  He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply.  Decoy, or not, the man inside was armed.  He only had one shot left in his pistol.  Franz very well knew it was a suicide mission.  Giorgia and Franz needn't know that however.  Saying a silent prayer, he cocked his gun, tapping with the barrel onto the door.

Heavy footfalls, and an eye peeked out from the hole.  Franz knew what the other man saw.  Blue tie, white collared shirt, and suit.  Very professional like. assassin like.  He had no time to change, it was already too late.  Adreneline pumped through him as it usually did when he was on missions.  He heard grunting on the other side.  Franz stood, poised.

The door opened, and without a blink, Franz fired to the man's forehead.  However, the man was trained and the split second before Franz had fired, so had the other man.  The bullet whizzed out of the gun, piercing Franz's lower stomach. 

First there was nothing.

Then the pain hit him, shot through his system as he gritted his teeth, sinking down against the wall.  The little girl sat still on the chair, looking almost smug.  There was a walkie talkie next to her, and if she reached out and grabbed it...

But wait, through Franz's pain addled brain, he could recall there had to be one more person in the room.  He felt another person appear from the shadows.

That was right.  The girl's mother.  She walked up, looking at him scornfully, a knife, appearing from her side.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine waited, and waited, he was getting nervous as he watched the building. "Somethings not right," he muttered to himself and switched to a private comm. with Jean.


Rico piveted and aimed the scope of her rifle, scanning the windows until she found the little girl sitting in the chair. She watched the girl closely and then got somewhat confused, she piveted the scope again at the little girl and mother that were walking toward the van. Huh? she blinked and once again switched back to the window.


"'two'?" Ryoshine said when he heard what Jean told him. He glanced to one side and told Jean to switch to an infra-red scope for Rico, as he didn't have one on him for Giorgia. "See what's going on in that building," he instructed him.

Director of Music:
The reply came back quickly enough. Jean commented after receiving the information from Rico.

"Three bodies still inside.  Two aren't moving.  One is moving towards the other.  It's a really bad angle, I can't tell who's who.  But if Franz is in there...then I hope he's the one moving..."  Jean ended on a grimace.

Giorgia had the urge to run inside and help.  But she knew she mustn't.  She had gotten in so much trouble already, and if she risked something like this, especially when it was already dangerous...then she would put herself, and Franz into even more danger.  She bit her lip, trying to focus on her surroundings.


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