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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded just the same and waited for two full seconds. "Damn it, we can't really take the risk though..." he muttered and clicked the headset a few times for a 'are you alright' signal to see if Franz would get it. Either he'd send back the three clicks, indicating he was the person moving, or he'd not, in which case Rico would aim for the center of mass on the moving target and fire.

Director of Music:
Franz heard the rapid clicking noises coming from his headset. Ryoshine was trying to figure out what the hell happened to him.  Well.  He couldn't do a thing about it at the moment. Whatever remaining color in his face drained, leaving him pale.  Sweat was dropping slowly down from his face as his mouth was set in a firm line.  His blue eyes appraised the woman slowly walking up to him.  She twirled the knife in her hand expertly, and Franz caught every movement.

Even if the woman was in range for Franz, he could not do anything at all.  The pain was coursing, seeping through him as he was losing more blood each and every second.  He struggled to remain conscious. 

The woman drew her hand back, and Franz gritted his teeth.  He would not however, shrink back.  Nor, would he close his eyes.  That would be cowardly.  And if he were to die, then he would not die with fear.  He was an officer, and Captain of the German Army.  If this death were to be painful, then so be it.  He already knew what would happen when he would die, anyways.  If there was a hell, he'd certainly go there.

There was a flash in the woman's eyes as she stabbed Franz in his thigh.  Franz grunted, suppressing the urge to scream.  My thigh?  Why not kill me right away? ...Unless...unless she wants to....  Franz's eyes dimmed at the realization.  She wants to draw it out.  This damn agency sure makes enemies rather quickly....  He had to think of something else.  Had to think of something else besides the pain.

The woman drew the knife back again, clearly displeased at the lack of response from Franz's end.  She drew back, and shot it through his arm.

This time, Franz let out a muffled groan.  That was the same area on the same arm where he had gotten a sharp piece of glass merely a week ago.  The wound had barely healed, and it was now open again.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine scowled when he didn't get the signal back after a few seconds. Jean had called back, saying that Rico was noticing some odd movements from the target, as the persons arm or hand had merged briefly with the red signature. That right there told Ryoshine that it wasn't Franz who was up and about, but someone else. "Take the shot, 'if' Rico is unable to aim for center of mass without risk of hitting the person on the ground, then take the headshot.." he said and muted his headset, then muttered something silently to himself. "I really hope the one we are about to shoot isn't Franz..."

Director of Music:
Jean relayed the message to Rico, and Rico nodded in affirmative.  From this angle, the head shot would suffice.  She cocked her rifle, and zoomed in.  Making sure everything was in alignment, she fired.

The woman drew back her hand again for the final blow.  Franz winced.  There was nothing logical now that was going through his brain.  His brain was on sensory overload.  The pain had risen to excruciating heights.  He tried to struggle, making it worse.  He waited for the final blow....

But it never came.

There was a crash, and a thump.  Franz turned his head wearily to see...the decapitated body.  Although that was good news for Franz, he at the moment, couldn't register anything.  All he could think of was that the knife was gone.  Slumping all the way down, he went unconscious, his head banging against the floor hard, his form crumpled.

Kasawa Lanford:
When the shot rang out, it reverberated off the walls and gave out a hollow sound. In this instance, the police who had been responding to a 'shots fired' message from dispatch couldn't figure out 'where' it had come from and assumed it was in the opposite direction of the building.

"Get in there!" Ryoshine shouted over his headset as Guiseppe and Henrietta, along with Triella and Hilshire, stormed the building from two entry points.


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