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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Hilshire and Triela were the first to make it into the room where Franz's form lay.  Hillshire's mouth twitched as he went around to survey the room.

Triela immediately went down to Franz, checking a pulse.  "Sir.  He's got a pulse, but it's very faint.  If he doesn't get attention soon, he's going to die."

Hillshire waved his hand.  "Wait till Guiseppe and Henrietta come.  In the meantime, make sure there isn't anyone else."  Triela merely nodded and started searching.

Guiseppe and Henrietta came in only seconds later.  Unlike Hillshire, Guiseppe went straight to Franz, his mouth set in a firm line.  "Christ...he's gotten stabbed multiple times..."  He checked his pulse and paled.  He gently grabbed Franz and slung him over his shoulder.  It was then he noticed Hillshire watching with distaste.

"You were here first.  Why didn't you grab him and go?"

"Needed to make sure there weren't anymore of them."

"That wasn't the reason, was it?"  Guiseppe growled.  "Franz took one for the team.  And technically, he's not part of it.  The real hostages are safe."

Hillshire shrugged carelessly.  "The man's a murderer, and assasin.  He's merely paying his dues."

Guiseppe wanted to jump the other man, but he realized he was running out of time.  "Henrietta.  Cover me."  Henrietta nodded, and Guiseppe, with Franz made his way out with Henrietta.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine continued to keep an eye on the building; listening to Guiseppe when he told him that Franz had been stabbed several times, and that he needed attention. He got on the line and called in one of their own doctors who was in town for just such an occasion and told him to get to the hotel as soon as possible, he wanted to avoid using this countries hospitals since he knew the police would get involved.

He also listened as Hillshire and Triela took the young girl, the one who Franz had found, and apperently discovered wasn't a hostage at all, out of the building and into an awaiting car. The two real hostages were escorted by some of their men to a safe house for temporary care and then would be released back home.

"Giorgia, keep an eye out just in case," he told her, then relayed the same message to Jean.

Director of Music:
Guiseppe was breathing hard as he finally came in front of the hotel's back doors.  The less people that saw Franz, the better.  Carrying Franz inside, Guiseppe saw the doctor and motioned him over.  They headed up to the room they were using, and Guiseppe was able to gently lay Franz on the bed. 

"I know there may not be a lot of medic-"

The doctor shook his head, "I've got my bag.'s going to be hard." 

Guiseppe nodded and turned to Henrietta as to leave.

The doctor however, asked one more question as he started to work.  "How...important is this man?"

Guiseppe stopped, pausing.  He tilted his head to the side.  "Very important.

  As he opened the door, he patted Henrietta on the back.  They had to go and make sure the other allyways were clear.

Giorgia nodded in affirmative to Ryoshine's request.  Franz would be okay.  Franz had to be okay.

Kasawa Lanford:
Several minutes passed with no sign of further hostilities, with that out of the way Ryoshine sent the all clear signal. "Arrest those we didn't kill, interrogate them, then discard them," he ordered then took the headset off and let out a sigh. "Nice shooting Giorgia," he said and smiled at the little girl and patted her on the head. The training has paid off immensely, but we still have a long way to go... after today we'll be making our trip to Texas and then we get to play the part of a family.. that'll be fun..

Director of Music:
Giorgia nodded, but her eyes were deeply troubled.  While she was satisfied that Ryoshine was not injured or hurt in anway, with no distraction now, her thoughts focused to Franz; the one in question.  She didn't know how deep the extent of his injuries were, or if he had gotten injured at all.  Some part in her brain told her that she was not to be troubled with this man.  And yet another part of her willed herself to think about it.  Franz Bietrich was her godfather.  She could not just trash that away.  He was the only link to her otherwise dead family.

The young girl followed Ryoshine as the two of them made their way to the hotel.  She had a distinct urge, the same as a couple of minutes ago, to see him.  All she wanted was to make sure he was alright.  Even a quick glance, and she would be fine.  Because, after all, Franz couldn't be that badly hurt, could he?  He was so strong, and so proud, he wouldn't have gotten hurt.

But what Giorgia didn't know was the extent of Franz's injuries.

She dimly got into the elevator, the tinny, metallic music somewhat irritating her.


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