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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed and wiped more sweat from his forehead. "Almost..." he said as he snipped the seventh wire. "We are almost done here, just three more to go."

It was then that he noticed Giorgia's uneasyness. "What's wrong Giorgia?" he said, putting the screw driver in his mouth. He hadn't noticed a red dot that was on the far wall due to the sunlight being in the room, this dot, while barely visible, crept very slowly toward Ryoshine.

Director of Music:
She saw it.  The red dot of the target beam.  Someone else was here!  Giorgia ran towards Ryoshine, ignoring protests from the other two men.  She grabbed Ryoshine and shoved him out of the way.  It was then the sniper rifle went off and instead hit very close to the bomb.

Shocked, Hillshire and Giuseppe immediately ordered their charges to go find the shooter.

Giorgia got off of Ryoshine and looked down at the ground.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine blinked; he hadn't expected that - but he was more surprised that Giorgia was able to push him. He looked at her and smiled, he couldn't find the words to express his thanks so instead he placed his hand on her head. "Hillshire, sniper is north of the building - most likely on the roof top." He said before catching sight of several blackened figures heading toward the door. "We got company!" he said just as the windows blew out and gunfire rained into the room.

Grabbing Giorgia, he jumped over the stand and stayed behind, opening up his gun case and taking out his modified M16A. "Stay here and watch," He ordered Giorgia. He bolted over the stand again and over to the bomb, putting the rifle down next to it and taking the wire cutters and snipping the eighth wire.

Another crack in the air; another sniper's round hit the pavement in front of him, sending shards of cement into his arm. He brushed off the pain and just went back to work.

Director of Music:
Giorgia's eyes were blazing.  She grabbed her handler's M16 and loaded the clips into it.  Uknownst to Ryoshine, she fired at the intruders.

Center of mass is your aim, if you are within six hundred feet then aim at the head, if not then aim at the chest.

She spotted them.  Her anger mounted.  She fired right into the forehead.  There was a grunt and the man fell.  Another man, another shot.  Down.  Giorgia's eyes were stony, all trace of human emotion gone and her mouth was set as she only thought of one thing.

I have to protect him

Overhead, Henrietta and Triela were on the rooftop firing away.  Giuseppe and Hillshire were on the ground, fighting off any advances.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine continued to cut despite their being bullet's flying past him and into the wall. After cutting the last wire, the bomb made an high pitch sound before shutting off, he brought down the mic on his headset and radioed to Gioseppe and Hillshire that it was disarmed.

He was about to detach it from the floor when a door on the far end of the lobby was kicked open and two black figure's rushed in, SMG's blazing. Pulling out his 9mm, he made short work of the two with direct hits in the head. "Hillshire, there are more coming.." Triela said over the comm. line

"It's been disarmed, I've detached the bomb from its support. Henrietta, Triela, Rico, give us some fire. Once the bomb is out of the building, get off the roof and into the van!" Ryoshine ordered and carried the device to the van. Gunfire from the near by buildings was intense, but most of the rounds didn't find their marks.

After loading the bomb on board, and making sure it was indeed disarmed, he gave a signal over the headset. "Come on people we need to move!" Ryoshine shouted as he took out his 9mm and popped four bullets into four attackers that had been running down the sidewalk.


Some distance away, the lead of the group grumbled. "Err.... looks like he managed to disarm the bomb..."

"Thats the first one though, you think they'll find the second?" The woman behind him asked, the man shook his head. "With only five minute's left? Doubtful.."


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