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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia curiously stared out the window, eyes widening as she saw some damage due to the storm.

"Ah."  She said quietly, turning back to look at Ryoshine.  "Is everything still going to go as planned for today?"  She inquired.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Yes, the storm is just a light one so it shouldn't hamper our trip," Ryoshine said and glanced toward the door. "Shall we go and eat breakfast?"

Director of Music:
Giorgia nodded, noticing the very formal air between the two as they started to walk to the breakfast room.  Or maybe, everything WAS fine, maybe she was just letting her imagination get to her.  Whatever the situation however, Giorgia calmly kept in step with Ryoshine as they grabbed an array of items for breakfast.

Kasawa Lanford:
A table near the window was empty, and thus Ryoshine took a seat and smiled when Giorgia sat in the seat across. He looked at his cup of coffee and drank some of it's contents, then glanced out the window and into the weather torn sky. "So, what will today bring," he thought aloud.

Director of Music:
Giorgia chewed on her toast silently, but was thinking throughout.  Most certainly, what WOULD today bring?  She cocked her head slightly at Ryoshine, asking the silent question, and in her curiosity, looked out once again at the window.

Immediately, Giorgia found Hillshire with his care, and she stopped chewing on her toast for a moment to watch what he was doing.


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