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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"Something on your mind?" Ryoshine asked when he noticed Giorgia's stare.

Director of Music:
Giorgia immediately snapped her attention back to Ryoshine, slightly disturbed.  "Nothing really.  I thought I saw...Hillshire out there."

Kasawa Lanford:
He blinked. "'thought' you saw?" he said and looked out but didn't notice Hillshire anywhere. "Hmmmm...." he stared at her for a second before taking his cup of coffee and sipping from it. "I see, was Triela with him by chance?"

Director of Music:
Giorgia looked down for a moment at the table, then back up at Ryoshine.  "No.  No, Hillshire was alone.  He was walking just-"  She pointed, and traced the path, "along there."  She spoke quietly.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine looked, and then nodded. "I see, well, as long as he's not making you feel uncomfortable..." he said and finished his sentence right there as he watched a couple walk into the breakfast bar. He noticed the couple seemed nervous, if not, uncomfortable with seeing so little people in the bar. "Hmmm....."


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