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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
She listened as he talked.  After he was finished, she avoided his gaze.

"I'm sorry sir.  I just..."  Here, she hesitated.  She trusted him, and yet she didn't want to tell him that she had recognized the terrorists.  She tried again.  " I just...just thought...It seemed like a...good idea" She finished lamely.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded before turning to the clock. "Get some dinner, then do some studying for about an hour. I left a book on the dresser, after you study get some rest, you have classes most of tomorrow so you'll need to pay attention." He said and waited until Giorgia had left.

He sighed and rolled up his sleeve, "some secrets are best kept secret...." he said, running his hand over the smooth metal plate on his arm. "Half my arm is prosthetic... and most of it is thanks to the help of the cyborgs here..." he said and rolled his sleeve back down.

Glancing toward the window; he could see drops of rain that began to fall, hitting the window. He got up out of his chair and walked over and opened the window, and took in the smell of the rain.

Director of Music:
Giorgia wasn't that hungry, she grabbed a small sandwich they were serving and water.  She gulped it all down and ran over to her room.  She saw the book Ryoshine had mentioned.   First however, she felt the jacket and made sure the picture was still there.  Then she sat down and began studying.  She didn't know why, but the book was intriguing and she didn't get any rest. 

Soon, it was 6:30 AM.  Wake up call.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine yawned and got up from bed. His back hurt, something he would probably have to get used to until he was no longer the 'rookie' of the group. He walked over and got into his fatigues and brushed his teeth, then he headed out of the office and made a quick stop at the cafeteria.

"Morning Ryoshine," Giuseppe said. "You going for a run or something?"

"I am, something i do every morning... keeps me in shape." Ryoshine said, he walked over to the serving counter and got himself a large bottle of water. "Tell Hillshire to be gentle on Giorgia, she's very new at this... while she's aware that she's a cyborg now, there are things she isn't aware of yet." he said.

Guiseppe smiled. "I wouldn't worry to much about that; their conditioning makes it impossible for them to denie their existence, however.. that doesn't mean they are mindless automitons.. they have feelings, emotions.. they have thoughts and can operate on their own like a normal human being. It's just that we have to teach them to be self sufficent so we don't always have to be around them. For example is Henrietta, she can sew now and she apperently like's it." He said.

"Maybe I'll teach her how to sew, I did a lot of that while in military." Ryoshine said and headed toward the door, "she did an 'ok' job yesterday but she almost got herself killed.."

"Who?" Guiseppe asked.

"Giorgia..." Ryoshine said and left the cafeteria. Outside the building he surveyed the area to find a good place to run laps around, he found it: The track used by the Agency's 'personel' military.

Director of Music:
Ryoshine was right.  She had classes for most of the day.  They did get a lunch break, and she hastened to the cafeteria.  She chewed thoughtfully on her spaghetti as she poured over a textbook. 

Henrietta spotted Giorgia and came over.  "Hey Giorgia!  How'd it go with Ryoshine about yesterday?"

Giorgia looked up.  "Oh...he just..asked me a couple of questions is all."

"I see" Henrieta said.  "Well, we're going down to the range to practice next.  Let's go together."

Giorgia nodded and stuffed the textbook in her bag and followed Henrietta down to the range.

Hillshire was there, along with Rico and Triela.  "Good morning Henrietta....Giorgia... he mused.  "Alright.  We're doing long range shooting today.  Grab your guns from the armory and head on back out...


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