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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
After his six mile run, Ryoshine headed back to his office where he found a message that the disarmed bomb they had brought back was down in the garage. He quickly got dressed and headed down, once in the garage he found two tech's who were just standing there, dumbfounded.

"You two look dumbstruck.." Ryoshine said as he grabbed a kit full of tools. Carefully he unscrewed the twenty screws that held the casing to the frame, once off he looked at the inside and discovered that it wasn't an explosive bomb that he had disarmed - but a biological bomb. "Huh...." he said, putting the screw driver in his mouth and feeling around. He soon found the battery that powered the unit and disconnected it, effecively rendering the bomb completely inoperable.

Once he was sure that no electricity was coursing through the bomb; he looked at the canister that was attached to a small firing cap. He didn't know 'what' was in the canister but the symbol on the side gave him cause for concern.

Making sure it wasn't connected, it carefully removed it and gestured for one of the tech's to get some towels. A minute passed before the tech came back and placed the towels on the ground, setting the canister on the towel after which.

"So, what is it?" The tech asked, both of them didn't seem the least bit concerned that Ryoshine had just said it was a 'biological' bomb. He got their attention when he tapped his finger on the symbol, "I know exactly what it is...."

"You do? How??" The tech asked.

Ryoshine sighed and got up. "I just know..." he said and covered the canister up and left the garage. He headed out to the lab there, and upon telling the docs what type of canister it was, they took it from him and put it under quarintine. "I need to make sure this is what I think it is.. please test it... but don't allow 'anyone' in until your done ok?" he said, the techs there nodded and went to work.

Now he had the ardous task of informing the director... as he made his way there he caught sight of the firing range and spotted Giorgia. He smiled slightly, and continued on.

Director of Music:
Giorgia was doing well on the range.  In fact, she was up to par with all the other cyborgs.

Hillshire grit his teeth.  He was trying to find some flaw in her shooting.  In fact, he just wanted to find a flaw in her.  He was angered by the fact of her recklessness the day before.  But he couldn't find any flaw.  In fact, her shooting had gotten better than the day before.

Giorgia's mind was not on shooting.  That face she saw yesterday was engrained into her mind.  It was as if she had always had that face of him, but it was buried deep in her mind.  It wasn't until yesterday, that that image had resurfaced.  She, needed to find out more about this man.  After all, he was the one in charge of killing her dad. 

Hillshire dismissed them and went to his study, looking over notes.  Giorgia had a sudden idea, rejecting Triela and Henrietta's invite to the rec. room, she headed towards the library.  There, she found an empty computer that they were allowed to use.

Now only if I can remember his name... She mused.

However, the computer had other options.  If the user did not know the name, it simply asked for a description.  After a few clicks and keystrokes, Giorgia found what she was looking for.  She printed it out.

Name: Major Franz Bietrich
Status:At large
Information:Known for killing hundereds of people, Bietrich is widely known for killing his best friend's family, the Kretschmann family.  Lt. Thomas Kretschmann, and his wife were accounted for when police arrived at the murder scene.  The child, however is missing.

She folded it up in a small square and put it in her bag.  She hoisted it over her shoulder and walked to her dorm room.

Kasawa Lanford:
Unbeknowst to Giorgia, however, anything related to her family or anyone close to it had been tagged by the agency in the event someone tried to look it up - and the moment she looked it up a camera perched in the ceiling had taken a shot of the person at the computer, namely her.

In the directors office; Ryoshine had been talking with the director about the mission when word came down that Giorgia had accessed a restricted file, or rather, a tagged file.

"Hmmm...." The director said, hands clasped in front of him. "I think Giorgia knows a bit more than we thought..."

"Well we know that they retain at least 'some' of their memories, but most of the cyborgs here tend to not think about their past due to how terrible it might've been.." Jean said. Ryoshine sighed and took a seat, "I guess we'll have to up the conditioning on her... and perhaps tomorrow during survival training we should search her room," Jean added.

Ryoshine shook his head. "I disagree..." he said before Jean tore a look at him. "You may disagree but we need our cyborgs to be loyal, we also need to make sure they don't remember much of their past or else it might interfere..."

He couldn't disagree with that statement, "we'll worry about her conduct later," the director then said and looked at Ryoshine, "Let's wait on the bio-chem results to see what to do next..."

Director of Music:
Giorgia paced around her room, taking out the picture of her father and the information on Bietrich.  She had the two in hand.  Best friend.. She thought.  He killed his best friend...for what?   Did he ENJOY killing?  She put the two back in the coat pocket.  She knew she'd have to place it somewhere else sooner or later.  The coat was too open a place to be hiding stuff like that. 

She went down to the cafeteria to have dinner with Henrietta and the others.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed. "So.... it is what I thought it was..." he said as he looked at the report from the biochem techs.

"It seem's so, now what I want to know is 'how' they got ahold of such a chemical?" The director asked, his voice was full of concern.

"I think I know how to locate 'who' it was that sold them this stuff... but I'll need to head to germany and meet up with an old 'friend' of mine who works with this type of stuff.." Ryoshine nodded, the director clasped his hands. "Very well, get going and find out 'who' it was that sold them this stuff."

He nodded, "I will," he said and left the directors office and headed to his office, once there he called up a friend of his. They talked for some time before he hung up, he walked out of his office and toward the cyborg dorm. Along the way he meet up with Guiseppe, "need another hand?" he asked him. Ryoshine smiled, "could use someone else," he said and Guiseppe nodded. "I'll go and get Henrietta and Giorgia then,"

"Good, don't bring any weapons. We'll get them when we arrive," he said. Guiseppe didn't say a word and instead went to inform the two cyborgs.

As he walked out of the building and toward the garage, his Lamborghini was parked right where he had left it the day before. Now he waited until Guiseppe and the others came.


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