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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Henrietta came without question, never thinking about why they were going to Germany.  Giorgia had a pain in her heart when she heard where they were going.  Guissupe put a reasurring hand on her shoulder.  "Come, Ryoshine is waiting."   The three went and met up with Ryoshine. 

Kasawa Lanford:
"We have a long drive ahead of us," Ryoshine said as Henrietta and Guiseppe got in, he watched as Giorgia sat in the back seat and Guiseppe in the front.

"A Lamborghini," Guiseppe said, impressed. "How'd you get the money for this?" he asked Ryoshine.

Ryoshine grinned. "The perks of having a penchent from the American and Italian Military," he said and got into the drivers seat and started up the car. Soon they were out of the front gate's and headed to an air base, it would be a three hour drive.

Director of Music:
Giorgia stared out of the window for most of the time.  For a while, Henrietta had tried to start a conversation with her.  Giorgia had given her small responses, that after a while, Henrietta gave up. 

Soon the landscape was less city like.  Guisuppe looked into the mirror to see Henrietta dozing while Giorgia was still looking out of the window, her eyes set.

As she looked outside, she could see her dad's smiling face. She thought she would start crying if she were not careful.  A part of her wanted to be here again.  A part of her, did not.  At ten years old, Giorgia had to grow up fast already.

Kasawa Lanford:
As they got closer to the Air Base, several air craft flew over. When he got near the gate he stopped his car and rolled down the window, "Hello Sir," the gate guard said. Ryoshine knew the drill, he took out his ID and handed it to the guard who nodded and opened the gate.

Guiseppe had the look of curiousity on his face, and it was a look that Ryoshine couldn't ignore. "Having a false ID makes it easy to get into certain places, espically here since the commander doesn't usually check to see if the person on base is military or not." he said, Guiseppe just nodded.

He drove his lamborghini some distance into the base until he came upon an air craft idling in the hanger bay, both its jet engines were running. "Henrietta, wake up." Guiseppe said, Henrietta blinked and opened her eyes, yawning a second later.

"Dragon buddy!" A man wearing coveralls said near the air craft. Ryoshine sighed, "Its Ryoshine.. not 'dragon' ..." he corrected the man who just shrugged it off. "So, what can I do for my favorite marine?"

"Fly us to Germany," Ryoshine said. The man nodded, "No problem! I'll get you there in a few hours. Want me to fly high or low?"

"Hmm.... fly low please, I think these three need to take in the sites." Ryoshine said, gesturing to Giorgia, Henrietta and Guiseppe. "Ryoshine, mind if i ask ya a few things?" The man asked, Ryoshine nodded. "You three go ahead and get aboard, since we are the only passengers, choose any seat."

Guiseppe nodded. "We also have two availible seats up front, minus the one that Ryoshine will be sitting in. So if you two kids want to sit up there and watch you can," the man said, winking at Henrietta and Giorgia. Ryoshine wondered what the man would say if he told him they were cyborgs and not really kids.

Instead he just patted his friend on the shoulder, who took him aside.

Director of Music:
Giorgia winced when she heard take in the sites  She followed Guisuppe and Henrietta to the aircraft.  Guisuppe herded the girls into the two front seats, while he took one in the back.  Giorgia was slightly tense, yet had a strange feeling overwhelm her.  She was excited, yet pained.  It was a strange mixture.


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