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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine's friend and him talked for some time. "You sure about going to Germany? You realize 'they' won't like you being there.." The man said, worried.

"I don't care if they want me there or not, I'm going there anyway." Ryoshine said, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "If you say so, what weapons do you want me to have ready for you upon arrival?" his friend asked.

He thought about it before handing him a list. The man promtly let out a low whisle, "Wow... enough here to start a small armory, you want a lamborghini as well with that?"

"Sure" Ryoshine added and headed for the air craft. The man sighed, "he has very expensive tastes," his friend said, shaking his head back and forth. After a bit be made a phone call and then pocketed the ilst and got on board the air craft.

Ryoshine took the co-pilots seat while his friend took the pilots seat. "Buckle up!" Ryoshine said over the intra-craft communitions.

Director of Music:
Giorgia slowly buckled herself up, her grey blue eyes gazing out at the view.  She looked back down and fiddled with her hands.  She tried not to stare out at the window too much, but when they had arrived in the vacinity of Germany, it was hard not too.  Her gaze caught the Berlin Conservatory, where, unconciously, she started drumming her fingers around, as if on a keyboard.  The rugged mountains, and the bustling streets, and the beautiful cathedrals made her take an inward gasp.

Kasawa Lanford:
As the air craft approuched the airport, Ryoshine noticed some activity as they flew over. "Hmmm..." he said and jerked the craft a bit in an effort to get a better view - sure enough he saw something he really didn't want to see: mobile anti-air craft guns.

Pulling hard on the stick, the jet reared upward into the clouds just as the AA's opende fire. Flak rounds flew past the air craft, exploding harmlessly in the distance. "I TOLD you they wouldn't like you coming back!" The pilot shouted as he ducked his head, even though he knew it wouldn't help.

Ryoshine didn't hear him as his mind was to concerned with flying the aircraft. When they were several miles away from the airport the firing stopped, but Ryoshine saw the AA trucks moving on the ground as they attempted to catch up, of course it was useless racing a jet that was going two hundred miles per hour, vs a truck going only fifty miles per hour.

Their comm. unit came to life with chatter, for awhile it was full of cursing and other racial slangs, but then the chatter stopped and someone else came over relaying new landing cordinates for another air field located firty miles out of Berlin.

"Sorry about the rough ride.." Ryoshine said to his two young passengers.

Director of Music:
The plane swerved, as it changed course.  In another 10 minutes they arrived.

She stepped off the plane with the help of Ryoshine and the group headed into the airport.  The place was filled with soldiers, most glaring at them.

Then she saw HIM.  Even if only for a moment,, those grey metalic eyes, that smirk. she shivered.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine sighed when he saw the soldiers; he had expected it as much. "Welcome Mister Ryoshone," a tall man wearing a black suit said, his voice sounded like he would rather be elsewhere. The man lead the group out of the air port and to a garage, where the car he had requested was waiting, this made him uneasy as he hadn't requested that the car be at this airport.

The man handed him directions to the meeting point, Ryoshine nodded and watched as the man and his troops left. "I've got a bad feeling about this.... check the guns..." he said to Henrietta and Giorgia, "make sure they aren't bugged or altered in a way that makes difficult if not impossible to use."


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