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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Henrietta and Giorgia did as they were told.  Giorgia, still frightened by what she saw however, clumsily checked it.

Both girls reported back, "Guns are in working order, sir." 

Giorgia kept looking around.  She felt as if those eyes were following her, watching her every step.  She had forgotten the presence of Ryoshine, Guisuppe, and Henrietta.  She gripped her gun as if it were to sooth her.

Guisuppe saw the look of distraction on Giorgia.  While Ryoshine was talking to the man in the black suit, Guisuppe went over to Giorgia.  "Giorgia, what's wrong?  There's no need to be nervous."

Giorgia jumped.  "I-I...."  However, the man in the black suit looked over at Giorgia.  The girl seemed vaguely familiar.  To Guisuppe he said, "May to the little one?"  Guisuppe nodded, awkwardly, and went off to Ryoshine.  The man in the black suit crouched down to Giorgia's level.
The two held a whispered conversation.

"Hallo." He smiled, "Wie geht es Ihnen? Ich heiße  Wilm.  Sie sprechen deutsch außerdem?  Sie schauen sehr vertraut."
Giorgia looked at the man with the blue eyes.  She smiled tensely.  The German came fluently to her.  In her usual soft manner, she replied, "Hallo.  Danke, gut.  Ich heiße Giorgia.  Ich sehr bin traurig, daß geehrter Herr, ich Sie nicht erkennen." 
The man looked at her, rather pleased.  "Sie sprechen fließend deutsch... was sein Ihr letzt Name?"  Giorgia replied, "Pa-..." Then Giorgia remembered that sheet..."Mein letzter Name ist Kretschmann" 

The man's eyes widened.

*Translation=Hello.  How are you? My name is Wilm.  Do you speak German also?  You look familiar

Hello, Good, thank you.  My name is Giorgia.  I'm sorry sir, I don't recognize you.

You speak fluent German...what is your last name?

My last name is Kretschmann

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine watched and listened, while his german wasn't very good he could make out some of it. His man interest however was getting out of the garage and to the meeting place, "come on Giorgia," he said and stared at the man.

Guiseppe was also anxious to get going, something inside him told that this was the last place he wanted to be.

Director of Music:
"Kretschmann, sagten Sie? War Ihr Vater zufällig... ein Leutnant Thomas Kretschmann?"
Giorgia's eyes widened.  She nodded numbly.

"Come on Giorgia."

 The man quickly looked at Ryoshine and when he wasn't looking, he gave Giorgia a piece of paper.
 "Fräulein Kretschmann, kann ich Ihnen helfen. Nehmen Sie dieses Papier. Und wenn Sie eine Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, benennen Sie die Zahl."  The man smiled, "Willkommenes Haus"

Giorgia smiled briefly and nodded.  She quickly went off to Ryoshine. 
The man smiled softly as she walked off.  He had been a friend of the Kretschmann's.  He was devastated when he had heard the news that his military friend had died.  He was angered even more so that a close friend of Thomas's had killed him!  Franz Bietrich.  He had known him too.  The three of them, Thomas, Franz, and Wilm would go drinking...this was the final blow to Wilm.  But he also realized that the daughter was not killed, so after all this time, he had hoped, and prayed.  And now, here she was!

Franz Bietrich grimaced as he saw Wilm Hosenfeld.  He could turn into a matter...I can always just kill him off.  He walked outside of the garage, and turned his coat collar up.  He dialed a number on his phone.  "Ludwig? Es ist Franz. Halten Sie eine Uhr auf Herr.Wilm Hosenfeld. Wenn er eine Störung in unserem Plan... verursacht, töten Sie ihn."  Franz shut the phone off.  He smirked.  Hosenfeld was just a pebble at the moment.  Everything was going as planned.  He had shown himself to the girl, he knew he had scared her.
*Kretschmann, did you say?  Was your father by chance...a Lieutenant Thomas Kretschmann?
*Miss Kretschmann, I can help you.  Take this paper.  And when you have a chance, call the number.
*Welcome home
*Ludwig?  It is Franz.  Keep a watch on Mr.Wilm Hosenfeld.  If he causes an interference in our plan...kill him.

Kasawa Lanford:
As the four of them got into the car; Ryoshine couldn't help but feel an air of unease coming from Giorgia. He was tempted to ask when his phone went off, answering it he was only on for a few seconds before he hung up. "Well..... someone has tipped off 'them' off to our presence.." he said, annoyed.

Turning the car on he pulled out of the garage and down the pazed road. Along the way his eyes darted from tree to tree, he was expecting something but to his surprise nothing happened as they drove up to an abandoned warehouse. He opened the door and got out, Guiseppe glanced around. "Somethings... not right..." he said

Ryoshine shook his head. "Nope, this is exactly how 'he' operates, out of abandoned warehouses and such on the outscripts of towns," he said, but before he did anything he turned to Giorgia, "What's wrong?" he asked her.

Director of Music:
"W-what's wrong?" She stuttered.  "I...n-nothing...just....just nervous is all, sir."  She wanted to tell him who she saw later.  Now was not the time, she decided.  Besides, she knew he would find out sooner or later. 

She watched as Ryoshine and Guisuppe conversed.


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