AuthorTopic: [MGLN] - Route of Vengence  (Read 5886 times)

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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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[MGLN] - Route of Vengence
« on: September 02 2007, 02:20 pm »
Disclaimer - For the most part, this story is PG-13. However, because this series has violance in it, some scenes will be detailed. Language kept at a minimum (except on


Fifteen year old’s Suzuka and Yuri used to lead normal lives, but when section six chases a convicted criminal to their town. The resulting battle cause’s an underground fuel containment facility to rupture, resulting in a massive explosion that destroys much of the city, killing eight five percent of its residents.

Amongst those killed were the twins mother and father and two younger siblings. With rage in their minds, they’ve set out to kill the two responsible for the brutal deaths of their family.

Prologue - That which started it all...

"Tihema! Read from page five," a teacher said as she looked up from her book and toward the person in question. "Uhh..." a young boy said as he looked at the girl next to him, "which of us do you want to read the page?" she asked sheepishly.

The teacher sighed. "Ok, Suzuka, read from page five," she said and began to walk up and down between the rows.

As Suzuka read, her twin brother, Yuri, followed along. He looked up from his book and out the window every so often, it was another perfect day, the sun was shining, the birds were out. In the distance he saw clouds but they were to far enough to be of any worry, plus he noticed they were headed east.

"Ok, that’s enough," the teacher said suddenly when she noticed that Yuri wasn't paying attention. "Yuri! Continue for her please," she said. Yuri turned and looked at her, then down at his book, he tried to find the part that his sister had stopped on but after a minute, the teacher sighed. "Outside Yuri," she said.

With a heavy sigh he got up from his desk and went outside. Leaning up against the wall, his hands clasped behind his back. "Its been a little over four months since we started the seventh grade... and already I'm in trouble," he said and sighed again, "mother's going to scold me for sure."

There he stayed until the bell rang for lunch; as his fellow classmates exited the classroom, the teacher called him in and scolded him, giving him detention after school. "You seem to have a problem paying attention," she had told him as she looked out the window, "you're sixth grade teacher said the same thing, but that you weren't so much of a hassle," she turned toward him and slammed the ruler on the desk, causing him to flinch.

"Go, eat lunch, we'll talk again after," she said. Yuri nodded and left the classroom, in the hallway he meet up with his twin sister and a few of their friends. "Why don't we eat on the roof?" Suzuka suggested, Yuri nodded.

On the roof, they found it was rather empty, "huh, usually there are students up here," Yuri said, curious as to where everyone was. "Who cares? We have the roof all to ourselves!" a friend of his said as he ran over to the fence and sat down, opening his lunch box.

Yuri shrugged. "I guess you're right," he said and walked over to where his sister was sitting and sat next to her, he opened his own lunch box, which she had been carrying.

As they ate they heard something in the distance, at first it wasn't that audible, but as it grew closer it got Yuri's attention. He stood up and looked around, before seeing three figures in the distance. "Hey, what's that?" he asked, although more so to himself than anyone around him.

"Look's like a few mages from the TSAB," Suzuka said. Yuri was about to agree before he saw the lead mage fire toward the two behind them.

"Wow cool!" someone said, he assumed it was his sister since it was a female voice. He continued to watch before the three began heading toward the city. It was then that they stopped high above them; he was beginning to get worried when he saw one of the two mages in front of him powering something on their staff.

"Ummm.. wait..." Suzuka said, taking a few steps back. She watched as a ball of light on the staff began to enlarge, although slowly. "Don't they realize how dangerous it is to fight here?!" Yuri suddenly shouted.

His friends went from being excited to terrified, heading toward for the exit. Yuri and Suzuka were about to do the same before a bright flash of light got their attention, they watched as the beam struck the road several miles from them. They held their breath, knowing exactly what was about to happen next.

The ground heaved, and erupted, fire spewed out from cracks that had begun to form. Suddenly, and expectedly, several large tanks to the north of the school exploded with enough force to send Suzuka and Yuri off their feet and into the fence. Windows shattered, cracks formed on the roof.

Another explosion, this was more powerful, blew the fence's support beams right out of the roof, sending most of it crashing to the ground. The fence that Yuri and Suzuka were up against was still up; Suzuka shook her head and got up. Yuri, unaware that the fence was already weakened, used it to get up.

The beam keeping that part of the fence up suddenly snapped, sending Yuri over the edge, he plummeted some feet before the fence stopped. He had been gripping the fence when the descent had stopped; he heard a pop in his left arm.

"AAaaaaahhhhh!" he screamed in pain as he hangs there. "Yuri!" he heard Suzuka shouted as she looked over the edge. Using his right hand and both of his legs, he managed to climb up the fence, but pain continued to go through his left arm. His sister grabbed his hand and pulled him back up to the roof.

Yuri panted, out of breath. "T-thanks..." he said, but he couldn't reflex as another tremor suddenly went through the area.

Suddenly a far enough siren sounded, a man over the loud speaker alerted the citizens to evacuate to underground shelters. Yuri spat blood on the ground, knowing that was futile. His sister helped him up and they both left the roof via the exit, while running down the stairs they noticed that the shaft was crumbling.

When they got the bottom step it had started to crumble, but they managed to get out before it collapsed. They heard some screams, and saw several students get caught in the collapse. Suzuka looked away, terrified at the sight before her; Yuri hugged her tightly with his right arm before taking her outside.

Fire was all around them, buildings, trees, gas lines and fuel lines leading to the star port had all ruptured. "Suzuka, lets get to our little brother and sisters school, they must be terrified," Yuri suggested. Suzuka nodded and they both headed to the grade school, they didn't get very far though before being stopped by the local disaster relief forces.

"You can't go any further," the man said, holding up both his arms to block their path. "W-why?" Yuri asked. The man looked away from them and at the ground, ".... the school back there is a mess..." he said.

Yuri's eyes widened. "W-what happened?" he said before pushing the man aside, his sister followed behind him. "w-wait!" the man shouted, giving chase.

He rounded the corner, and came upon the sight of the destroyed school. There was nothing left but a pile of smoking rumble, Yuri watched, terror in his eyes; he saw blood in various areas of the debris. He slumped to the ground, unsure what to say now.

"Y-Yuri?!" He heard a familiar voice; it was his little brother and sisters teacher. She rushed over to him and knelt down, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Why are you here?" she asked him.

"We were worried," Suzuka said after catching up and hearing her question. "I... see..." the teacher said and looked away, "I... I'm sorry... but...." she said and helped Yuri to his feet.

She brought the twins over to a makeshift tent. The inside was a bustle of activity, many students being treated for wounds, blood everywhere; she even saw that some of the beds had blankets over them. Suzuka realized that those children had died in the catastrophe.

The teacher brought them over a bed, on it was a young girl, her face was wrapped up, with only one eye that was not covered. "S-Suzuka..." the little girl said, tears forming in her eyes. "I-it hurts!" she said, complaining of the pain that pulsed through her body in various places.

Suzuka knelt down, trying hard not to cry, she placed her hand on the girls face, which only made the girl cry more. "Y-you'll be fine," Suzuka lied. She knew that her little sister, despite being as strong as she was, wouldn't survive, she could see the damage to the girl’s body even through the wraps.

Her eyes closed. "I'm getting sleepy..." she said as she closed her eyes. "R-Rena?" Yuri suddenly said as sat on the other side of her. He placed his hand on her. "Rena!" he said again, but she wouldn't respond. He then picked her up and hugged her, crying in the process, "RENA!" he sobbed.

Suzuka looked away and at the teacher. "Our little brother?"

"I-I'm sorry... he was inside when the school collapsed..." she said and looked back at the building.

Yuri picked up his little sister and went outside, slumping to ground, hugging her tightly. He heard something and looked up at the sky, watching the two TSAB mage's fly off. "Bastards..." he said through gritted teeth. Anger rose into his voice, "You'll pay for taking their lives in your useless battle..." he said, looking down as his dead little sister, and hugged her.
« Last Edit: September 02 2007, 04:57 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Re: [MGLN] - Route of Vengence
« Reply #1 on: September 02 2007, 04:56 pm »
Chapter 1 - Setting things up..

Yuri sighed. He stood there staring across the ocean, his body up against the railing. He wore a high school uniform, a gold ribbon was tied on the left sleeve, showing that he was a part of the student council. "Thinking about the past?" he heard his twin sister, Suzuka, say behind him. He turned around so that his back would be against the railing, she handed him a cup of coffee.

He brought the cup up to his nose and sniffed it. "Coffee?" he said and took a sip. "I needed the energy thanks," he said.

Suzuka smiled. "I'm glad, you've been up several days straight trying to get things ready for upcoming sophomore field trip, I was worried you might collapse due to being overworked."

Yuri shook his head, looking over his a shoulder a second and at the distant clouds. "Nah... I'll be fine," he said.

"So, going away from the school, how shall we deal with the TSAB?" Suzuka asked, taking a sip from her cup. "I figure during the field trip one of us will sneak out and access their central computer, and see if our contact is right about who it was that destroyed our town three years ago," Yuri said.

Suzuka nodded. "The idea's sound, well, except that they will have security forces..."

"Not a problem.. with what we've been taught and know... I think security won't even be aware that someone is sneaking around," Yuri grinned and finished off his coffee before walking toward the doors.

Behind him, his twin sister followed until they got to the council chambers. There Yuri gathered up all the papers related to the field trip, "I need to let the headmaster know that everything is signed and ready, I'll meet you home," Yuri said.

"No problem, we can go out to dinner when you get back," she winked at him and left.

Yuri shook his head and left the chamebrs a few minutes later and headed to the headmasters office. There he knocked on the door and went inside, standing at the window was a female adult. She wore normal business attire, with a brown tie.

"Headmaster," Yuri said as he approached her. "Council President, how are you today?" she asked him, not turning around to meet his gaze.

"I'm doing fine thank you," Yuri said and waited for her to turn toward him. He then handed her a packet for which she opened and reviewed the permits, "alright, everything looks correct," she said and gave her signature.

A smile creased his face, "I'll let the teachers know for the sophomore grade that a field trip is scheduled for next week for two days," the headmaster said and looked up at him. "Anything else you want to talk about?"

Yuri shook his head. "No headmaster," he said and then bowed and left her office. He leaned up against the wall and gave a heavy sigh, but grinned a second later when he realized that she had fallen for it.

He left the school after grabbing his bag from the classroom; when he got to the apartments, he found Suzuka waiting near the gate. "Took you long enough," she said, still wearing her school uniform.

"You want to go wearing our uniforms?" Yuri asked, curious.

"Why not? It's formal," Suzuka said and pushed off the wall and began to down the street. Yuri sighed putting his school bag on his back and following her.

They walked for a mile before coming to a restaurant that they almost always ate at on the weekends, but today was a special occasion as it would mark the beginning of the end of Section Six. Inside the waiter showed them to a table that over-looked the ocean, it was a spot they always favored and was almost always reserved for them, but only because of their status within the school.

"Anything to drink?" the waiter asked and the twins made their drink order. The waiter nodded and left to fetch their drinks, "so... three years ago..." Yuri said, starting the conversation. "I wonder what our little brother and sister would be saying if they saw what we were doing.."

"The deaths of millions cries out for vengeance, we were one of only a thousand to make it out alive before the underground fuel tanks exploded.. damn I hadn't even a clue that we were living on top of a ticking time bomb," Suzuka said, rubbing her forehead.

"Beaurocratic decision.... I bet not even the mayor was aware until the very last minute," Yuri said.

Suzuka snickered sarcastically. "Yea I bet... if he had known there certainly wouldn't be anyone living there right now," she said.

"That's the point though, as long as no one knew about the facility, it would be easy to hide fuel and such underground.." said Yuri as he turned to his right. Night had begun to fall and the sunset over the ocean left a beautiful array of colors. "Beautiful," he heard Suzuka say when she noticed the sunset.

The waiter came just then and placed their drinks on the table. "Thank you," Yuri said and gave the man a tip, he gladly accepted it and then took their food order, once given he left.

Suzuka watched the waiter as he left through a door. "I wonder... how do you think the TSAB will respond?" she asked.

"I don't know," Yuri said, taking a sip from his drink, "they might just shrug it off... or they could very well respond with force... the thing is they won't know 'who' we are."

She nodded. "True, but still, we shouldn't be complacent. You of all people should know that," she said, eyeing him.

Yuri sighed. "Yes.... I know.. two weeks ago I almost blew it for us when I infiltrated one of their bases to steal data... almost got caught as well if it wasn't for him looking out for us I would've.." he said, recalling how disastrous the mission had been. Even though he had snagged a lot of data, most of it was useless. The only good thing that came out of the attempt was information related to a group called 'Section Six' and he planned on searching the TSAB's main computer core for that very group.

Silence fell over the table until the waiter brought their food, "sorry it took so long," he said to the twins who told him it was ok. They then dug in, not talking much.

After they finished they ordered dessert and then padd for the dinner. They left and headed for the beach, the night was cold and it didn't help that they had worn their summer uniform. On the ocean, the moon was displayed in its vibrant bluish glow.

"The days are hot.. the nights are cold," Suzuka said, rubbing her arms to ward off the cold. "Even though the view is nice, we should get back to the apartments and get some rest.." Yuri said and placed his arms around her.

She smiled and placed her hand on his hand. "Yea.... who knows after next week things will change," she said softly.

"I know," Yuri said and closed his eyes. "I just wish they were here," he said.

Suzuka nodded. "We never did find out what happened to our parents though, now that I think about it," she said and rubbed her chin.

After some minutes of staring at the beautiful display, they headed back to the apartments. There they got dressed and into their night clothing. The apartment was three rooms, with the living room being the main room you step into, and the rooms to the left and right being either the kitchen or the bedroom.

For the twins, their bedroom was adorned with photo's of their family and school life. Most of the pictures showed their deceased little brother and sister doing various things, as in winning race's or doing something that was funny at the time. Two beds rested in the bedroom with a table in the center, a lava-lamp kept the room lit at night.

Their living room had a sofa and a large screen TV, a computer sat near a window, various symbols and letters scrolled across the screen. As Yuri settled in for the night, his sister went and took a shower, the steam that emanated from the bathroom was just one example of how cold it was.

"You certainly as taking your sweat time..." Yuri said after fifteen minutes. A second later a shampoo bottle slammed in his face, "ow... ok I'll shut up..." he said and waited until she got out.

Suzuka acted as if nothing happened as she crawled into bed. "Night bro," she said as she switched the lava lamp off.

With a sigh, Yuri pulled the sheets over himself and fell asleep.

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Re: [MGLN] - Route of Vengence
« Reply #2 on: September 05 2007, 12:27 pm »
Chapter 2 - Field Trip, Operation Shutterbug Part 1

As the shuttle docked at TSAB Headquarters, the students on board were mostly asleep due to the long ride.

Yuri and Suzuka sat up front and were already on their feet when a clang resonated through out the shuttle. "Sounds like we've docked," he said as he glanced out a window and smiled, "yep.."

He watched as the shuttle ascended to the flight deck, its engine's going offline. As if on cue everyone woke up, including their teacher who had also fallen asleep. "What a boring ride..." she said, she hadn't realized that two of her students had heard her. The twins merely smiled sheepishly at her comment.

When everyone was off they made their way into a terminal where a tour guide was waiting. "Welcome to the Time Space Administration Bereau's Headquarters," she said and then went on into her normal tour guide speech about how they needed to stay together as a group and not wonder off.

Once everyone was ready the tour guide had them leave the terminal and follow her down a long stretch of hallway and into another hanger bay. There several patrol ships lay moored, some of the students seemed impressed, others looked in awe.

For the twins, they merely grinned. Yuri placed his hand behind his back and made several finger gestures, "the ships you see before you is the Patrol Ship Shiva and Lance," she said. "They'll be launching onto their first missions in just a few days," she placed her hand on the rails.

Around them numerious officers walked around, some were watching the high school students, while others just wondered what they were doing there. After some minutes the guide gestured for the class to follow her, their next stop was a large observation tower.

"Hey! Isn't that the shuttle that class two is coming in on?" A student said, pointing at an approuching shuttle. The guide stared at it and its service number, "that certainly is," she said and turned toward the group. "I'm aware that someone here is the student council president?" she asked, Yuri raised his hand and stepped forward, "that would be me," he said to her.

"Ahhh, would you go and make sure they've all arrived?" she asked him.

Yuri blinked. "I thought I gave the tour office a list of all the students?"

She shrugged. "We were never given any papers of that sort," she said innocently.

He sighed. "Very well," he said and placed his hand on Suzuka's shoulder. "Hold the fort," he said and left her.

"Let's see..." he said as brought his arm down, suddenly a small round object came out of his sleeve. He smiled as the device rose into the air, it was no bigger than a finger. "Search the base, find a terminal to access the central computer," he said to it. The device gave a hum before zipping off.

He walked into the terminal and then into the hanger bay, there he found a young girl who looked to be of elementary age standing next to a pylon. "Hmmm..." he said and walked toward her, but as he got closer an odd feeling came over him, she looked oddly familiar. This girl looks like our dead little sister... he said.

As he watched her he failed to notice the shuttle landing behind him and the students disembarking. "Yo! Yuri!" the president for that class shouted. Yuri visibly jumped at the sound of the name before realizing why he was there, he turned around and pulled out what looked to be a cellphone with a large display. "How many are here?"

"Fourteen, two out sick, one couldn't come," the president said. Yuri nodded and made a note of that, he then called out names, satisfied that everyone that was supposed to be there was he put the device back into his pocket. Another tour guide, this one male, walked up to the group. "They are all your's ma'am," Yuri said, "by the way, where's class one?"

The tour guide looked at a transperent sheet that she was holding. "They still in the observation tower, they'll be there for at least fifteen to twenty minutes," she said. "Ok! Thank you," Yuri said and rushed off.

As he made his way down the various corridors leading to the observation tower he spotted several more moored ships, he made the same finger gestures before leaving.

"You're back," Suzuka said when she saw Yuri stepped through the double doors. "Anything fun happen?"

She shook her head. "Nope, the tour guide is just giving a lecture to two students who wondered off," she said and gestured to the two in question. With a sigh Yuri put on his authoritive face and walked over to the group.

"Something wrong ma'am?" he said to the tour guide.

"Yes, Security found these two near an access port to a patrol ship," she said. "Is that so? Didn't she say to stay together," Yuri said to the two students who nodded. "Yes Sir," they said.

Yuri shook his head. "Let this be your first warning, if your caught again I'll have you taken to the shuttle and then you won't be apart of this field trip," he said, the two students nodded before bowing and walking away. "I'm sorry about the trouble they have caused," Yuri said to the tour guide who smiled. "It's alright, but I'm going to keep my own eye on them if thats ok," she said. "No problem," Yuri said.

After ten minutes the group left for another towerl located before them. They entered a elevator on that floor, "everyone inside," the guide said as the students piled into the elevator. As the cart moved down it soon went froma closed to an open shaft, the students could see a thrieving city outside, "whoa..." Yuri said, reasonably impressed.

"I guess that explains how this place can be operational," Suzuka said. Yuri nodded, he continue to watch until he flinched, although it wasn't visible. "Huh..." he said and then in a low whisper he spoketo Suzuka, "looks like our little buddy found a terminal, but the damn things behind four security check points.."

Suzuka nodded and replied in the same low tone, "it'll require some time, how about during lunch since I think that's when we'll have some time," she said. Yuri nodded.

Outside the observation tower, Yuri observed a large patrol cruiser moving toward a docking clamp that was extended. "Hmm..." he said and was about to make a gesture with his finger when his sister placed her hand on his own. "no... we only go after the ships with little to no crew... that's fully crewed..." she said softly. Yuri nodded and closed his fist.

"Ok, enough time here," the teacher said impatiently. The guide smiled, "if you want we can go an early lunch," she suggested and the teacher nodded and turned to her students, most agreed. "Besides, after lunch your students will be free to explore the area's that are not off-limits to them," the guide said.

Her comment made Yuri smile. Well.. that'll make our job even easier he thought as he followed his class and the guide to the cafeteria. There the students seperated into groups and ate at seperate tables.

Yuri didn't get much, only a bottle of water and an apple. His sister however got herself a pizza and a soda, there wasn't much talking amongst the twins as they knew what they were going to do.

Once his sister was done they headed toward the exit. "You two going to explore?" their teacher said, to that the twins nodded. "Then meet back here at five..." she said. "We will," Suzuka said and they left.

"So... where to begin..." Yuri said as he scanned the walls and the hallway. He saw various security guards walking around and some who were standing guard. "You go to the observation tower," he said to her. "Good luck," she said to Yuri.

Her brother nodded and grinned. "I'm always careful," he said took out a device that was in his pocket. He slid it over his hand and soon he disappeared from sight.

He made his way down the hall, keeping to the shadows even though he wasn't visible. He could, however, feel heat on his skin. I need to perfect this ability... he said and walked up to the first check point. He walked through it and the thing gave a loud beep, one of the guards blinked and stared. "Must've been a glitch.." he said and reset it.

Yuri let out a sigh of relief and made his way through the remainder of the check points, each one responded the same with a resounding beep. He then made it to the room that his little bug had found and walked inside. There he found a terminal and took out a small round object and placed it on the panel, he then typed away.

Information scrolled across the screen. "Interesting..." he said. "Hmmm.... now what's this? Profect F?" he said when he noticed the symbol appearing on the view screen. "This is very odd..."

He thought it would only take him five minutes, but he was there fifteen before finally accessing the information he desired. "Now for a-" he said before being interrupted by a gigantic bang that shook the station so hard he was thrown to the ground. The room was suddenly bathed in a red hue, "what the hell?!"

Bro! You ok? he heard his sister via telepathy.

Yea I'm fine.. what the hell hit us? he thought as he picked himself up off the ground and recloaked.

The station is under attack! Suzuka telepathically said. Yuri snarled as he ran down the hallway, security guards and other base personnel running around either in a panic or trying to find their stations. He continued his run, knowing full well that if he didn't get to the cafeteria soon his teacher would become very worried.

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst