General Discussions > Anything goes...

is it just me?

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ok is it just me or is this place really really slow? I mean I just got back and what not but to me it's very...whats that word dull? p.q we can't have that I like this place to much for it to go! It needs a jump start of some sort? like to get people back on and posting again! We need like more post? A new  something coz were missing something I've seen down the line of a thread that has like Las post by so and so on June and May!!! >.> but anyhow do we need Idea's to help? anyone? :sweatdrop:

(All so you can move this where ever I didn't know where to post it sorry )

If i recall it right we already have a topic to discuss this but the place is indeed unlively for a long while now. Nothing we do seems to have much effect v.v

we do have a  topic? I thought we might I just never found it. maybe we should get other websites to support this one? Like banners and what not.

I'd love to help but unfortunately I don't know anybody here ^^;

lol your like a freak fan yet you know nobody? O.o well nice to met yea then and do we have banners for Capturedwings.?If so we need to make them so people can put it on there website ,blog and stuff like that it might help ^^


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