CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Horitsuba Omake!!
huah~ thanks to you, i could read the omake... it was so funny n_n especially the part where syaoran said that sakura was also cute and blushed madly... I laughed my lungs out when I read the omake~ thanks 4 da translations :keke:
There will be another Horitsubasa Dec 12......its a comic short...hehe
so desu ka? thanks for the info n_n
--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on November 23 2007, 03:53 am ---There will be another Horitsubasa Dec 12......its a comic short...hehe
--- End quote ---
kyaaa!!! really?! kyaaa!! i'm soo going to wait for dec 12 >3
hope it show some hints of KuroFai again xD
OH! OH!OH! OH! maybe they're going to include the happenings in HoriTsuba Gakuen Drama CD 3!!!
yay for fluorite twins!!
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