AuthorTopic: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe (complete story posted)  (Read 15822 times)

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Starting tonight...

"Christmas in the Arcademan Universe"

Santa's in trouble and it's up to Arcademan to come to the rescue. This was a story I wrote back in 2003...a total of 10 chapters, which I'll be posting a chapter every few days during the holidays. Hope you enjoy the story :)

EDIT: Forgot the [ORG]...thanks, SLi :D
« Last Edit: December 13 2005, 10:38 am by Arcademan/PixieP »

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #1 on: November 07 2005, 10:14 am »
Arcademan and related characters are trademarks of  Arcademan Universe Unlimited. Used with permission (ME!). Any reproduction of story without permission of the author is prohibited. Written for fun and not for profit...

The following story may contain descriptions of violence and
suggested language.


DECEMBER 20, ...

In a spacious castle right on the top of the world...the North Pole
to be precise, a bearded old man sporting a red jacket and sweatpants
sits at his desk and pours over a printed readout. After adjusting
his glasses, he turns to the computer and after a few strikes of the
keyboard and a click of a mouse, reads a rather long list of names
listed on the computer monitor.

"Kris?!! Are you there at your desk?" yelled a voice from across the
room. An elderly woman walked into the room and towards him as he
turned to answer her.

"Yes, dear. You know me. It's the 20th of December and I'm determined
to make this Christmas the absolute best one ever." This got a
chuckle from his wife.

"Kris Kringle! You say the same thing every year. Your expectations
are always so high...but that's why I married you and love you so
much." as she gave her husband a kiss on his cheek.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!!! That tickles, Mama." laughed Kris as his stomach
shaked like a bowl full of jelly.

As his wife strolled out of the room, she said "Heaven forbid if
Santa Claus fails to live up to expectations. Stay there and finish
your list of good little boys and girls and I'll fix you a snack."

Santa picks up the phone at his desk and dials a number.

"Santa's workshop. Dingle here..."

"Dingle? Santa here. How's the toymaking coming along?"

"Right on schedule, sir. We'll have everything done and ready by
Christmas Eve. Wait till you see some of the great stuff we made this

"Very good, Dingle. Continue on." As Santa hung up the phone, he
stretched back in his chair.

"Yes, sir...this is going to be the best Christmas the world will
ever see!"

Not realizing at that moment, dark forces were were en route to the
North Pole determined to prevent such a thing from happening...

Thus begins "Christmas in the Arcademan Universe...
« Last Edit: November 07 2005, 10:37 am by Arcademan/PixieP »

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #2 on: November 07 2005, 10:39 am »

Heading to the North Pole, a single figure floats towards its
destination. Completely cloaked in a off-black robe, including its
face, a globe of unimaginative power follows behind.

His name is Orb-Necro. His mission...only he knows for now.

After arriving at the North Pole, Orb-Necro scans the area and sees
absolutely nothing but ice all around.

"Just what I signs of a castle." Then he turned towards
his orb of power.

"Orb...reveal the gate between normal and exus space!" The orb glowed
brightly and soon revealed a window in front of the archmage. Inside
of the window was the castle and workshop of Santa Claus.

"Now for the next part of my plan." as Orb-Necro headed straight for
the castle doors. With a single thought from him to the orb, a bolt
of energy melts the heavy metal doors to the castle. The archmage
floated inside and gave the orb another command.

"Orb...split up and search for the one named Claus." The orb
shimmered and then replicated itself ten times, each one taking off
in a different direction. Scant moments later, one returned and
blinked in code to the Orb-Master.

"The workroom, eh? Very good. Let us give him our regards, orbs."


Five men run down the street and into an alley, closely followed by
two others giving chase. The big difference: these two were flying
and were wearing colorful costumes...Arcademan and Flora...two
members of the Arcade Brigade.

"Let's catch these little bastards that robbed the bank and fast! I'm
freezing out here, Arcade!" said Flora in her usual and typical
sarcastic tone.

"Don't blame me, Flora. You wanted to come should've
known it was cold out here tonight." Flora gave Arcademan a smirk.
Being a plant elemental pixie, Flora was used to warmer temperatures
and not the near record freezing temperature that was hitting the
Valley of the Sun.

Arcademan flew ahead and floated down in front of the bank robbers.
Upon seeing him, they tried to turn around only to find Flora
standing there.

"WE can do this the easy way or WE can do this the HARD way,
gentlemen...your choice." Arcademan was cracking his knuckles looking
for a fight. Three of them lunged at him while the other two took off
towards Flora.

"Heh, Arcade...looks like we're doing things the FUN way tonight!"
With a quick succession of punches, all five robbers fell down.
Arcademan jumped on top of a nearby dumpster while Flora looked down
at the group of guys.

"Well, that was sort of anti-clamatic, wouldn't you say, Arcademan?
These clods should know better than to try something like robbing a
bank while we're around. Some people never learn."

Suddenly one of the robbers jumped up and grabbed the lovely young
pixie from behind and pointed a gun to her head. Arcademan continued
to sit with no reaction.

" really do not want to do this." said Arcademan to the

"Big talk, hero!!! Make a move and you pixie friend is losing her
head." as he continued to point the gun at Flora's head.

" misunderstand. I'm not worried about her...I'm worried
about what she's going to do to you. See...Flora has this intense
hatred towards guns. She was almost killed by one and will not
hesitate to kill anyone with a gun." Arcademan did one of those rare

The guy turned and looked at Flora. If looks could kill, he would be
dead and buried six feet under. Flora grabbed his hand holding the
gun and with superhuman strength, broke the gun and the hand with one
quick squeeze. The other robbers pulled out their guns and began to
fire at Flora, only to have their bullets stop short of their target,
thanks to a mystical shield.

"You guys were warned. Don't blame me for your stupidity" as
Arcademan watched on as Flora spoke a single command...


Vines shot up from the ground, instantly binding the five to the
ground. Thorns began to sprout from the vines and before they could
pierce their bodies, the thorns stop.

"Don't move a muscle. The thorns contain poison. There is no cure if
you poke yourselves." Then Flora walked over to Arcademan, who was
still sitting on top of the dumpster.

"Dammit, Arcade! You know I hate guns!!! Why didn't you help out?!!"
yelled the pixie.

"Chill out. You wanted action, I gave it to you. Stop complaining
already." Arcademan walked around the alley.

"Hmmm...odd indeed. Flora, do you see any sign of the money these
guys stole?"

Flora looked around. "Now that you mention Wonder where it

"Easy enough to find out." Arcademan walked to one of the robbers
still tied up in Flora's vines.

"He will tell us everything we want to know..."

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #3 on: November 07 2005, 10:31 pm »
Photo Album 1: Flora

Drew this one a couple of years ago...doesn't show up well as a small picture...come to think about's almost as bad as a big picture.Full-sized Picture I'll draw a new one soon :)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #4 on: November 12 2005, 10:16 am »


Santa continued to work on his list of good little boys and girls
when he heard a slight creaking of the doors behind him.

"Is that my sandwich, mama? Making a list and checking it twice sure
builds one's appetite."

However as Santa turned around to greet his wife, he saw instead a
floating being completely cloaked in off-black.

"Sorry, old man. Your lovely little wife couldn't make it. My name is
Orb-Necro and I have a need of your extraordinary talents."

Santa immediately jumped out of his seat and faced the archmage.

"Where is my wife?!!"

Orb-Necro drifted up higher aboved him. "Don't worry. Your
well as all the elves in your workshop are safe for the moment. How
safe they stay, well...that's entirely up to you and your cooperation
to me, Mr. Kringle."

Santa paused for a moment and then conceded to the villain.

"You have me in a compromised situation. What do you want of me, Orb-

"I need to know how you are able to travel the entire world in one
night. Such a means is valuable for me to know if I am able to assist
my Lord Pyrogod in conquering the forces of Light. And remember,
failure to cooperate will mean the destruction of everything you hold

Santa gave a heavy sigh and then turned to the closet and put on his
trademark red suit.

"Follow me to the stables. All will be revealed there."

The police had arrived to arrest and take away the five robbery
suspects that Arcademan and Flora had captured however there was no
sign of the stolen money.

"According to that thug, there apparently was a sixth member of their
little group. The others were merely interference while he made his
escape." Arcademan's voice was sounding a little testy.

One of the police officers confronted the hero. "They gave us a
description of their buddy and I put out an APB on him. We'll get him
and the money back. Thanks to you and Flora, the others were caught.
That counts for something."

After the police left, Arcademan continued to pace around.

"Arcade, let's get back to the headquarters. Nothing else to do here
and I'm freezing out here."

"How could we let him get away?!!" Arcademan looked out into the
street. There were lots of people walking and driving
around...finishing their holiday shopping. He hear the bell ringing
over at the front of a store where Santa Claus was in front of the
Salvation Army kettle, accepting donations. Suddenly Arcademan's eyes
went wide.

"Good God! I can't believe this! It can't be that simple!!!"

Flora looked a bit puzzled. "What's wrong? What's going on,

Arcademan pointed at the Santa in front of the store, which was at
that point packing up and putting everything in his toy bag.

"He. The person dressed as Santa. He's the sixth robber. Get him,

"I'm on him, Arcade." As Flora flew at the guy, he dropped the bag
and started running for his life. As the pixie came closer, the guy
panicked and drew out his gun and pointed it at her.

Arcademan picked up the fallen bag and thought to himself "Oh, great.
He drew a gun. He must really be in pixie-assisted suicides."
At that
moment, Flora punched the would-be gunman square in the jaw. He fell
unconsciuos to the ground as the police drove up.

Arcademan also threw the bag of money at the feet at the police.

"There's your sixth robber and there's the stolen money. Flora, let's
head out." And both Arcademan and Flora flew off into the chilly
night sky.

"Thanks, guys and Happy Holidays to you both."

The two arrived at the Arcade Brigade headquarters where Flora
quickly hopped into the shower and turned up the water all the of course. Arcademan sat down on the couch.

"Man, I can't get warm enough! Besides, I have the stink of human all
over me. That creep touched me. Yuck!!! Hey, Arcade. How did you know
that was the crook?"

Arcademan stretched out a bit on the couch. "Well, I've met Santa
Claus before and this guy wasn't even close to looking like him."

"Santa Claus...real?!! You're pulling my wings! He's a myth...a
legend...a fable."

Arcademan answered back. "He's real all right...not like the Easter
Bunny or the Tooth Fairy..."

"Hey!!!" yelled Flora. "Don't badmouth my faerie friends!!!"

"Well...anyhoo, I helped him out before and even once, he helped me
with a problem not too long ago. One of these days, I'll introduce
you to Kris. He's a great guy."

Arcademan walked into the control room where Striker was. A fellow
hero and computer whiz, he was manning the room to watch out for any
global catastrophes.

"Hey, Arcademan. Except for you little bank robbery bust, it's been a
pretty slow night."

"Figures. The only reason we're here...your family is out of state,
Flora has no real family here on the mortal plane and I am always
here. For some strange reason, I have a feeling that something big is
going to go down. I can sense it." says Arcademan.

"Man, why can't you ever predict a quiet night for a change." laughed

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #5 on: November 15 2005, 12:01 pm »
Photo Album 2: Orb-Necro

Full-sized picture

The main bad-guy of the story, Orb-Necro was actually two villains: Necromancer and the Orb Master. Both were caught in an explosion during their battle with Arcademan however instead of dying, both their souls and body merged into one, hence the intense hatred for the hero.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #6 on: November 15 2005, 01:28 pm »

Santa Claus led Orb-Necro across the compound to the stables.
Fumbling around in his pocket for the key, he inserted it into the
lock and turned the knob. Inside several stables with reindeer were
present. The sight of the archmage terrified the poor animals and
they backed up within their stables. After walking through, Santa
pulled back the curtains at the end of the rows, there it was...

The red sleigh that Santa Claus rides every Christmas.

"So here it is...and somewhere within it lies the means of time
travel that will aid my master in conquering the universe. So, Mr.
Claus, how do the reindeer factor in with the operation of your
sleigh?" asked the villain.

"Merely decoration. The sleigh and its controls work on a tachyon
theory and will power, which is why I only use it once a year."
answered the elder Claus in a depressed tone.

"Your cooperation is most appreciated. Continue to do so assures the
safety and well fare of your wife and the elves. No harm will befall
them...for now."

Indeed. For the elves were all locked in a spare storage room for
toys with shadow creatures standing guard just outside of the room.
Meanwhile, in the main castle bedroom, Mrs. Santa Claus was locked
in her bedroom, similar creatures outside of her bedroom as well.

"Heaven to Betsy. Papa is certainly in a pickle." thought Mrs.
Claus. "Fortunately I have an ace hidden up my sleeve...or more
precisely, in the top drawer."
She opened the top dresser drawer
where a small transitor device was hidden. She pressed the red button on it.

"Hopefully help will be on the way soon."

Back at the Arcade Brigade headquarters, Striker and Arcademan were
heading from the control room to the main room as Flora hopped out
from the shower and joined them.

"Ah...I feel so much better now. Nothing like a good watering to put
you back in the spirits." said Flora, who was standing behind the
two...with no clothes on.

"Flora!!! For goodness sakes, put some clothes on! Geez!!!"
Arcademan rolled back his eyes as Striker could only shake his head
in disbelief.

A wave of a mystical hand and Flora's plant-like costume appeared on
her..."Party pooper!!!" yelled Flora as she stuck her tongue out at the
two heroes.

Suddenly an alarm came from the control room. Striker ran in to
check out the source of the disturbance.

"Says here it's coming from...The North Pole!" as Striker typed in a
command on the keyboard. Soon, a picture came on the monitor screen.
It was Mrs. Claus.

"Arcademan?!! Is that you?!! It's Mrs. Santa Claus. We've been taken
over by some strange shadow beings and they took Santa someplace.
Can't stay on. Please come as soon as possible..." and the
transmission fades and then stops.

"Shadows...sounds like the work of one of Lord Pyrogod's minions.
Couldn't be Destrux. He's still out of commision after our last
battle. Sakura Kinomoto, Parillusia and myself made sure of that."
Flora interrupted Arcademan.

"Wait a minute? That was...Mrs. Claus? As in Santa Claus' wife?
You're kidding, right?"

Striker turned to the puzzled pixie. "I'm afraid what you saw is
very real, Flora. Worse, with Christmas just a few days away, this
could spell trouble for the entire world."

"I'm on my way, Striker. Stay here and handle anything else since
all the other heroes are on Christmas breaks and vacation. Flora,
help out Striker. I'll report back once I arrive at the North Pole."

Flora quickly grabbed Arcademan's arm. "I wanta go! I want to meet
Santa Claus and see the North Pole! Please! Please! Please!!!"

Arcademan rolled his eyes up. "Flora. It's kind of cold up there. You thought it was cold here's worse up there. Being a plant pixie, you're vunerable
to cold and frost more so than mortals." Flora was giving the hero
that puppy-dog look."

"For the love of God!!! Fine, come along but dress warmly. That shoulderless dress,
short skirt and barefeet combo you wear is definitely out."

"Whatever!" said Flora in a sarcastic tone. Waving her hands, she
changed into someone a little more suitable for the trip.

Striker tossed Arcademan a few items. "Some heat packs just in case
plus a couple of special surprises for such an emergency."

Arcademan and Flora fly off into the night sky and start heading due
north. "Wish us luck, Striker!" yelled Flora.

Arcademan turned to the pixie. "I don't believe in luck."

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #7 on: November 19 2005, 01:51 pm »

Arcademan and Flora continued their flight towards the North Pole
when suddenly the young pixie started to slow down. Both of them
decided to land for a moment. Flora dropped down to her knees
shaking uncontrollably.

"N...n...never been cold l-l-life..." chattered

Arcademan sighed, then took off his cape and wrapped it around the
half-frozen Flora. Then he opened his belt pouch and pulled out a
special potion.

"I told you it was going to be cold, Flora. Even with my
invunerability, I can also feel the extreme cold. This should help
you deal with it, albeit for a little while." He released the
contents of the potion and Flora began to warm up once more.

"Thank you, Arcademan. Sorry for being such a bother to you." said
Flora in a rather dejected tone.

Arcademan turned to her. "Yes, you are a pain in the neck but
honestly...I wouldn't have it any other way. Are you strong enough
to continue on to the North Pole?"

Flora smiled warmly and nodded to him, then the two took back to

Santa yelled angrily to Orb-Necro "You got what you wanted, now free
my wife and the elves and leave us in peace!!!"

Orb-Necro slightly laughed and then turned to the jolly fat
man. "Not yet, Santa. You must teach me how your time device works."

"That was not part of the plan!!!" Santa was now furious.

"I decided to amend my previous demands. Don't forget about Mrs.
Claus and those little elves. Their fate rests upon your next
decision" mocked the archmage.

"Fine. Get into the sleigh and I'll give you a demostration." As Orb-
Necro and Santa hopped into the sleigh and began the power-up
sequence he thought to himself..."Hopefully Mama remembers our
little 'emergency' protocal. If she did, help should be on its way."

At that exact moment, Arcademan and Flora were standing at the North signs of any castle or workshop or any structure save for
the pole itself sticking out from the ground.

"Arcade...where's Santa and the castle? Is this some sort of cruel
hoax? It isn't funny!!!"

Arcademan grabbed Flora. "Hold on tight. All will be made clear
shortly." He began to vibrate at a high rate of speed and soon Santa
Claus' castle and workshop came into focus.

The only word Flora could say was "WOW!!!"

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #8 on: November 21 2005, 02:37 pm »

Arcademan and Flora made their way over to the main castle and
noticed the lack of activity for the time of year.

"Arcademan, can you see anything inside?" asked Flora.

"Hmmm...afraid not. My x-ray vision doesn't work since the buildings
are mystical in nature. Guess we do this the old-fashioned way."
Arcademan slowly opened the front room and the two heroes walked in
where they noticed no one inside.

"Flora, check out the kitchen and dining area. I'll scope out the
upstairs." On that note, the two split up and take up the search.
Arcademan floated up over the stairs as to not make any noise however
his acute hearing was picking up some sounds from the master bedroom.

As he peeked around the corner of the wall, he saw two shadow
creatures standing outside of the bedroom door. Quickly, he charged
the two, the first one he punches and uses flash-vision on the second
one, rending both of them unconscious. He knocks the door down where
he sees another shadow creature as well as Mrs. Claus, who was
sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Watch out! He has some sort of gun!" yelled Mrs. Claus as the enemy
fired his dark ray gun. Thanks to her warning, Arcademan easily
dodged the ray and took one quick punch to take out the shadow.

"Are you all right, Mrs. Claus? It's me...Arcademan."

"Yes I'm fine. I'm so glad you got the emergency signal. My husband
was taken away from a being...wearing a brown and gray cloak, glowing
eyes and some sort of globe floating behind him."

Arcademan said but one word. "Orb-Necro..."

Arcademan and Mrs. Claus came down the stairs to the main living room

"Flora?!! Where are you?" yelled out Arcademan. There was no response.

"Maybe something happened to your friend? I'm not sure how many of
these shadows are around." said Mrs. Claus in a worried tone.

Arcademan felt a cold wind from the kitchen and noticed the back door
open. Then he turned back to Mrs. Claus.

"Where does the back door lead to?"

"The toy shop. Oh, no! The elves!!! They may be in serious trouble,

"Flora must've thought the same thing too. Please wait here and lock
the door behind me." Arcademan then handed her a small metallic disc.

"Press this if you're in trouble and I'll come. I'll see about the
elves and try to find what Orb-Necro did with Santa. You have my word
on that!" Then the hero rushed out of the house and headed towards
the toy shop.

Meanwhile, within the toy shop, Flora had run into a couple of shadow
creatures. As they attempted to grab her, she ducked under the two
and firmly planted her hands on the floor...


Nothing happened.

"Damn! There's nothing but ice underneath the plants to
summon. Have to do it without my plants!" She decked one and it
instantly crumbled. The second one grabbed her around the neck and
tried to choke her but she gave it a judo toss and watched the shadow
shatter on the floor. As she looked up, Flora noticed roughly a dozen
more shadow creatures moving in on her.

"I'm surrounded! Man, this is going to hurt BIG time!!!" muttered

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #9 on: November 25 2005, 06:07 am »

Flora flew across the room to a door. When she opened it, she found
all of the elves in there, being guarded by even more shadow

"Seven hells!!! More of those bastards!!! I've only one chance.
Elves, quick! Get in the corner and prepare to duck!" Flora stood in
the middle of the room and began to glow with awesome energies. As
all of the shadow creatures closed in on the plant pixie, she
suddenly flew up and shouted...


Spinning wildly in place, thorns and spikes thrust out in all
directions from her, striking every shadow within the room,
destroying them. After a few moments, Flora stops and then collapses
onto the floor. Arcademan then comes running into the room.

"Flora!!! Are you all right?!!" As he bent over to pick up the semi-
conscious pixie, Santa's elves came out of hiding and crowded around
the two heroes.

"She saved us, Arcademan. Will she be okay?" asked Dingle, the head
elf of the crew. He had met Arcademan before in a previous adventure
and the two knew each other.

Arcademan picked up Flora with stronge yet gentle arms. "Yeah,
Dingle. It's the after-effect of the 'Death Blossom' ultra attack.
All she needs is rest...and a warm place. I'll take her back to the
main house. I need to check on Mrs. Claus. Come with me, Dingle and
we'll compare notes." and the three headed back to the house.

When Flora finally opened her eyes, she found herself lying in bed
in front of a roaring fireplace. She looked up and saw Arcademan,
Dingle and Mrs. Claus at the side of the bed.

" Are the" asked Flora in a still-
weakened tone.

"You're in the master living room. You've beaten the remaining
creatures. Now stay put and I'll go see about rescuing Santa from
that psycho Orb-Necro." As Arcademan prepared to leave, Flora cried
out to him.

"Arcade...I'm not recovering that plants around. Don't
know if I can survive here too long..." and she passes out.

"Damn. I knew I shouldn't have let her come with me. This icy realm
and absence of plant life is slowly killing her."

Mrs. Claus turned to Arcademan. "Concentrate on finding my husband
and saving Christmas. We have a greenhouse out back where we grow
Christmas flowers. We'll take your friend over there to recuperate."

"Thanks, Mrs. Claus...Dingle. I best be on my way." Arcademan flew
off to the stables where the sled and reindeer were kept.

As Mrs. Claus and Dingle helped Flora up and headed to the
greenhouse, Dingle asked Mrs. Claus "Will he be able to find the

Mrs. Claus answered back. "Arcademan MUST succeed for he does not
Christmas will be nothing but a memory to everyone throughout the
world. Godspeed, Arcademan."

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #10 on: November 28 2005, 05:47 am »

As Mrs. Claus and Dingle the elf entered the greenhouse with the
comatose Flora, they noticed her breathing had stopped and her
heartbeat was slowing up. Her normally fleshtone skin was turning
blue and her body temperature was dropping.

"She's dying, Mrs. Claus! What are we going to do?" asked Dingle.

"Let's put her down here in this bed of poinsettias and pray for
her." answered back Mrs. Claus as he obeyed and set her down. After a
few tense moments the two noticed her skin tone slowly regaining its
true color and her breathing had resumed. Both of them gave a
collected sigh of relief.

Arcademan threw open the doors to the stables and marched right in. A
look around showed no presence of Santa, Orb-Necro, the sleigh and
the reindeer.

"Heh. Looks like they're gone for the duration." As he found a small
stool left in the corner, he sat down and gazed right at the spot
where Santa's sleigh was kept.

"All I have to do is sit here and wait for their return. I sense that
the wait will not be too long..."

Meanwhile, back in the greenhouse, Mrs. Claus was putting her shaw
back on.

"Dingle, stay here with Flora while I head on back to the workshop to
see how the rest of the elves are doing. We need to continue to make
toys when Santa returns. Christmas must be a go, without any delays."

"You sure, ma'am? After all, I am the leader. Maybe I should go
back..." Dingle's sentence was cut short by Mrs. Claus.

"When Flora comes to, I'd rather have a familiar face around. After
all, the two of you have magical backgrounds so you should be the
one. Besides, I'm still your boss!" as Mrs. Claus gave Dingle a wink
of the eye. He smiles and said "Yes, ma'am!" and she was on her way
to the workshop. Suddenly Dingle heard a gasp and he turned to see
Flora slowly waking up.

" I...ohh...look...pretty flowers!" Flora sat up and
looked around her and saw she was sitting within a bed of flowers.
Her face immediately lit up with pleasure and happiness.

"I'm so happy to see you awake at last, Mistress Flora." Flora turned
to Dingle and gave him a big hug.

"Oh thank you, fellow elf. I can't believe there are so many flowers
and plants here within the cold. I feel so powerful, I could take on
the world!" Flora yelled as she rolled around in the flowers and
squealed with glee.

Dingle stared at the young pixie happily. "I'm glad you approve.
Knowing that you are a plant pixie, this was a logical choice. As to
why we have flowers her, it was Master Santa Claus's tribute to the
being that raised him when he was a child. She too was a pixie that
was attuned to plant life."

Of course hearing about this immediately caught Flora's attention.

"Please, Dingle...tell me more about Santa."

"Okay...a great mage by the name of The Great Akk found a baby
abandoned in the forest. He ordered a lioness named Shiegra to
protect the child and was raised by it as well as the tree elf named
Nyssil. He was taught the ways of good and was shown the ways of
mortals, which he was. Named Claus, a word meaning 'little one', he
felt a obligation to help the mortals and started the tradition of
making toys and delivering them on the night the Lord and Savior was
born. His mortal existance about to come to an end, the Great Akk and
his peers granted Santa Claus immortality so he could continue to
serve mankind every Christmas."

"Wow...I never realized...I mean I thought of him as some sort of
fairy tale...a figment of everyone's imagination. Now I knew he's for
real. And he's still in trouble! I have to go assist Arcademan."

As Dingle helped Flora up, he slipped on a coat to keep the pixie
warm. She smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek and said "Thank
you, Dingle...for all your help and for saving my life." Dingle's
face turned beet red with embarrassment.

Back in the stable as Arcademan continued to sit on the stool,
roughly 15 minutes have past since he arrived. Suddenly the stables
filled up with a bright, blinding light, then Santa's sleigh with the
eight reindeer appear within the light. As the brightness died down,
two figures stepped off the sleigh...Santa Claus and Orb-Necro.

Arcademan stood up and cracked his knuckles. "About time you showed
up, Orb-Necro. Let's party!!!"

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #11 on: December 02 2005, 10:27 am »

FLASHBACK: Santa's sleigh...

Flying through the sky in Santa's sleigh, Orb-Necro couldn't help but
be amazed by the sheer power and abilities of it.

"So,'re telling me that you are immortal and you've been
doing this for several lifetimes. The technology you use for the
operation of your seems familiar to me. Alien in origin
would be my guess." said the archmage.

"Indeed. A being who called himself a time lord built this for me,
which allows me to manipulate space and time, as well as carry my
vast supply of toys to everyone." Santa answered back.

Orb-Necro paused for a moment. "Gallifrey technology. A race of time
lords. I've heard of the planet but it's usually inaccessible by
normal your castle at the North Pole, it vibrates at a
different rate of speed than normal space. I never realize you had
such means. My lord and master will be most pleased."

"Whatever. Let's return to the stables. Doing even this small trip is
taking quite a bit of willpower from me. This is the reason why I
only do it once a year." Santa was visibly furious but as long as his
wife and elves were hostages, he was powerless to do anything.

As the sleigh landed back at the stable, the two emerged from the
sleigh to find Arcademan sitting on a stool. He then stood up and
cracked his knuckles.

"About time you showed up, Orb-Necro. Let's party!!!"

"Arcademan?!! Damn you!!! I don't know what you're doing here but
you're a dead man now!!!" and Orb-Necro lunged at the hero, who
quickly moved aside.

"Heh. I see you're still holding that grudge against me, Orb-
Necro...after all this time...GET OVER IT!!!

Orb-Necro yelled out then called out for his orb to appear. Arcademan
quickly checked on Santa.

"Arcademan! You're a sight for sore eyes. Is the missus and the elves
all right?"

"Yes they're okay. My assistant is watching over them so if you'll
excuse me, I've got a hot-tempered villain to deal with."

Santa asked "Why is he so mad at you, though I know he's a villain
and you're a hero. He suddenly went out of control when he saw you,
friend Arcademan."

"Well, Santa...could be that he used to be two beings named
Necromancer and the Orbmaster. I was responsible for their deaths and
destroying the orb of power but instead of their bodies being
destroyed, they merged and became one...and slightly imbalanced so

Arcademan's sentence was cut short by a blast of mystical energy from
Orb-Necro's orb. "Now I'll have my revenge on you, Arcademan and take
over this mudball in the name of Lord Pyrogod!!!"

"Over my dead body!!!" yelled Arcademan, who then immediately ducked
under another blast.

"That's the whole idea, hero!" as Orb-Necro continued blasting away
at Arcademan.

"Santa, what's this all about. Why is he here?"

"He wants my sleigh so he can control time. I'm sorry I had to
cooperate with him but the others were in danger..."

"No need for apologies, Santa. I need to bring down this maniac. Stay
down while I draw his fire." On that note, Arcademan flew across the
stable, closely followed by Orb-Necro. With a extra burst of speed,
dodged a ray blast and knocked down the archmage, then quickly
grabbed the floating orb.

"Time to crush the orb like I did the first time!" However as
Arcademan applied pressure to the orb, it began to glow blightly and
then repelled the hero, sending him flying across the stable right
into the far wall.

"No, will not destroy my orb that way again. Now as
you lie helpless, I shall now destroy you!" Orb-Necro powered up
however as he was about to blast Arcademan, a strong force of
strength hits the archmage from behind, knocking him to the ground.

It was Flora...fully recovered.

"Tee! Hee! Here I am, saving your neck again, Arcade. I knew there was
a reason for you to bring me here." Flora was definitely feeling
cocky and sarcastic, signs of her being back to normal.

"Flora!!! Watch out!!!" Flora turned around and stared into the orb.
As it let out a blast, Arcademan super-speeds across the stable and
grabs Flora at the last possible nano-second.

"Stupid pixie wench! How dare you touch me with your impure hands!!!
Now your death has been assured!!!"

"What did you call me?!!" Flora was pissed as she stood in front of


Potted vines hanging inside the stable walls suddenly grow out of
control and bind him.

"My turn...ENERGY BLAST!!!"

A high concentrated blast of pure energy leaps from Arcademan's hands
and hit Orb-Necro full force. Once the energy is spent, Orb-Necro
stands in a stupor.

"Now it's my turn...UPPERCUT!!!"

Santa Claus' fist connects and the villain goes down like a ton of
bricks. Totally unconscious, the orb's light goes out and falls onto
the ground lifeless. Flora calls her vines once again and bind the
helpless villain.

A weakened Arcademan is helped to his feet by Santa. "Man, remind me
never to get you mad, Santa. That's a mean uppercut you have there."
laughed Arcademan.

"I've completely tied Orb-Necro up. What're we going to do with him?"
As if on cue, the body of Orb-Necro disappears.

"His master Lord Pyrogod has reclaimed him. I sure wouldn't want to
be in his shoes. He will not tolerate failure from his mages."

Santa Claus was relieved that the events were now of the past however
that was short-lived when he asked Arcademan what time it was.

"Holy Smokes! We have less than 12 hours to get ready. I don't know
if I can do it...I'm not at full strength." Santa was visibly

Arcademan put his hand on Santa's shoulder. "Don't worry, sir. Flora
and I are at your disposal. We will do everything humanly possible to
bring Christmas to everyone throughout the world."

To be continued...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #12 on: December 04 2005, 03:56 pm »

Back in Santa's castle, there was a most joyous reunion between Santa
and Mrs. Claus.

"I'm so glad to see that evil wizard didn't harm a whisker of your
face, papa." said Mrs. Claus as she continued to hug her husband.

"Oh, I'm fine, mama. Our good friends Arcademan and Flora saved us
and now it's up to us to make sure we can deliver Christmas to the
rest of the world."

Flora walked into the living room with a cup of herb tea.

"Please...drink this, sir. My magicks will help return some of your
strength to make the long journey." and handed it to Santa.

"My thanks, Flora and please, you need not to be so formal. Santa
will do." and gave the young pixie a wink of the eye and Flora
immediately knew why the entire world adored him so much.

Arcademan strolled into the living room to join the others.

"Well, I contacted Striker over at the Arcade Brigade Headquarters
and hopefully we may get some additional help for us." And as if on
cue, a glow appeared in the room and there stood two people...heroes.

"Mystique Rose and Disruption reporting, Arcademan and I think this
will help you greatly with your situation." as Rose handed him a
special potion.

"The potion will help slow down time while Santa embarks on his
annual journey. Since it's never been tried before, I cannot
guarantee its success but it's better than nothing."

"Okay, at this point, we'll try just about anything. Many thanks to
you, Mystique Rose and accept my apologies for disturbing you and
Disruption on this special night."

"Nah, no worries, Arcade...besides it being our job saving the world
time and time again, this is the big man Santa we're talking about.
Good fortune on your journey."

"Thanks, Disruption." Mystique Rose waved her hands and soon she and
Disruption faded away back home.

Arcademan turned to Santa Claus and Flora...

"Let's make Christmas happen!!!"

Five hours later, with the sleigh full of toys and the reindeer
hitched up, Arcademan pulled out the potion and sprayed it on Santa.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!!! Here I go!!!" On Dancer...on Prancer...AWAY!!!" The
team lifted up into the chilly night's sky and took off like a bat
straight out of hell.

"I hope he can do it..." says Arcademan as Flora turned and asked him
a question.

"Arcademan, there's something I don't can he fly
around the entire world in one night and how can he fit all those
toys in that little sleigh of his?"

"Well, Flora...his sleigh is a form of a time vessel called a Tardis."

"Tardis?!! Is that the stuff people dip their fish in?"

"Oy!!! Not tartar...TARDIS...Time And Relative Dimension In Space.
Made by the Time Lords of Gallifrey, it has the power to manipulate
space and time. Also the inside of it is bigger than the outside of infinite pocket of space."

"I understand...I think. Also I'm betting he duplicates the
dimensional vibrations of the North Pole realm to make his way into
all the homes to deliver his toys."

Arcademan's eyes went wide and though his helmeted face doesn't
change expressions, he most likely was pleasently surprised by her

"That's correct. I am impressed by your deduction, Flora...proving
that there's hope for you yet!"

Flora playfully slaps Arcademan. "You are sooooo mean to me!!! Let's
get back inside...I'm freezing my petals off." and the two retreated
back into Santa's house.

Over 16 hours have past since Santa began his annual journey and back
at the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, Dingle, Arcademan and Flora were
tracking his progress on a special radar. He was doing a great pace
however in the past half hour the sleigh began to show signs of
slowing down.

Mrs. Claus was worried. "Land sakes, Arcademan...looks like papa's
starting to run out of steam."

"Looks like Mystique Rose's potion ran out. What do we do now?"
questioned Flora.

"Time to play the ace up my sleeve. Dream Angel! I request an
audience with you!!!" Scant moments later, the Dream Angel appears
from her lofty plane of higher existance.

"I know what transpire and you know I am bound not to interfere with
the affairs of mortals however since Santa Claus is immortal, I will
hear your pleas." said the Angel of Dreams.

Arcademan leaned over and whispered something to the angel.

"It is done, Arcademan." and a shining portal appears next to the

"Hold tight, everyone. Help's on the way...I hope." Arcademan flies
into the portal and disappears.

To be concluded...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #13 on: December 06 2005, 10:29 pm »
Photo Album 3: The Dream Angel

Full-sized picture

She is the Master of all dreams. Her counterpart, The Dream Demon, controls nightmares. Though they seem like opposites, they actually work together as a team to control the realm of The Dreamworld. The Angel was once mortal who was killed while saving a life of a young boy and was proven worthy by The White Wizard, who saved her soul to serve the purpose of the dreams. She resides high above the mortal plane and though seldom takes a direct approach to events on Earth, this is one of those rare times Arcademan has asked for her help.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe
« Reply #14 on: December 09 2005, 02:56 pm »
Chapter 10 (Finale)


Inside the bedroom of the Kinomoto household, Sakura Kinomoto and her
best friend Tomoyo Daidoji were having a sleepover. Kero was also in
on the fun.

"I'm glad we're together on Christmas night. This is so much fun"
laughed Sakura.

Tomoyo nodded her head in agreememt. "I'm surprised that my mom and
your dad are having a party together. Who would've thought?"

Kero turned to the girls. "I hope your dad brings back lots of
holiday treats! I'm soooo hungry!!!" and the girls laughed out loud
at him.

Without warning, a light appeared in the far corner of the room.
Sakura yelled out "HOEEEE!!!" and ducked under the covers. Kero flew
into the open dresser drawer. Tomoyo ran into the closet, then pulled
out her video camera. A shadow appeared from the light, then
Arcademan stepped out of the light.

"Sakura! It's me...Arcademan."

Sakura ran across the room and gave Arcademan a loving hug.

"Merry Christmas, Arcademan. What brings you to Tomoeda?"

"Well, Sakura...I need your help once again."

Kero flew in between the two. "No way! last time she helped you out,
she almost didn't come back!"

Sakura pushed Kero aside. "Hush up! What's going on?"

"No, it's nothing like that. No danger or stuff like that. Sakura, I
need your help so that we can help Santa save Christmas on my world."

All three of them had a stunned look on their face.

"S...S...Santa? He's real?!!"

"Yes. Will you help me? I've need of your special talents." pleaded

Sakura paused then said "Yes! I'll go!!!"

Tomoyo clapped with glee. "Here, Sakura. I was hoping you were needed
so I brough one of my lovely little Sakura outfits!" Sakura sighed
deeply as Arcademan turned to Kero.

"Is Tomoyo always like this?" Kero nodded his head.

"By the way, I want you and Tomoyo to come along too. There's work to
be done." Sakura was dressed in a special Christmas outfit made by

"Let's go!!!" and all four of them leaped into the portal and then
appeared at the North Pole within the Arcademan Universe.

"Okay, know what to do..." said Arcademan.

"Yes. Everything will be all right...Key that hides the power of the stars, reveal thy true power to me. By the contract, I, Sakura command...RELEASE!!!"

The key amulet transforms into the star staff and taking out a Sakura
card flips it up into the air and strikes it with her staff.

"To not help Santa would truly be a crime, let me help him by slowing

Arcademan looked at the clock on the wall and saw that time had
indeed slowed down.

"It worked! Way to go, Sakura!" shouted out Tomoyo.

Arcademan pulled out another sleigh from the stable area. "Guys,
let's give Santa a hand in his final hours." Kero's wings grew out
and folded over his entire body. Soon, his transformation from the
little stuff-beared Kero to the Guardian of the Clow Kerberus was

"I'll play reindeer!" shouted Kerberus as Arcademan, Sakura, Flora
and Tomoyo hopped in and took off to assist Santa Claus in delivering
the final toys.

Hours later, a most joyous reunion was taking place at the North Pole
as Santa Claus came down from his sleigh amongst a cheer of approval
from the elves and his special helpers that came to his and
Christmas' aid.

"Friends...thanks to all of your help...every boy and girl will be
enjoying Christmas. Words cannot describe the thanks the entire world
can ever tell you." Santa's eyes were full of joyful tears.

Arcademan stepped forward and shook the jolly old elf's hand. "No, we
should be the one thanking you for allowing us to be part of this
festive occasion. I know I will cherish this moment for the rest of
my life."

"Well said, Arcade, It was an honor serving you, great sire!" Flora,
always showing respect for her elders.

Santa turned to Sakura. "Young and your friends were
invaluable in assisting me. I know for a fact that Clow Reed would be
very proud of your accomplishment." Sakura's face blushed brightly.

Arcademan opened a portal for Sakura, Kero and Tomoyo.

"Time for the three of you to return. Now that's two favors I owe
you, young Cardcaptor. You will return to a point where only an hour
has past in your world. Fare thee well, my friends."

"Bye, Arcademan, Flora...Santa. I told you all it would all be
right!" After they entered the portal, it closed up behind them.

"Santa...Mrs. Claus...Dingle...Flora and I must take our leave. I'm
glad we were able to help you and don't hesitate to call upon us if
trouble arises again in the future."

"When you get back home, you'll find something extra special
underneath your Christmas tree. eternal thanks, Arcademan
and Flora." said Santa as the two heroes flew away back home as this
amazing adventure has now come to a close.


Arcademan- Writer/Editor

Arcademan and related characters are trademarks of Arcademan Universe Unlimited. 1988, 2003, 2005.

Cardcaptor Sakura and related characters are trademarks of CLAMP. Used without permission and not for profit.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe (complete story posted)
« Reply #15 on: November 03 2007, 02:51 pm »
With the holidays coming up, time for TEH BUMP on this. I'll probably do a few edits and maybe add and tweak in a few places. Enjoy :)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe (complete story posted)
« Reply #16 on: December 20 2008, 11:49 am »
Brand new artwork for my classic Christmas in the Arcademan Universe story:

Full-sized picture:

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe (complete story posted)
« Reply #17 on: November 28 2010, 01:58 pm »
Christmas is coming so I'll use this time to bump up my classic Christmas in the Arcademan Universe story I wrote five years ago. While I'm on the subject, I'm deeply considering writing a brand new Christmas story involving Arcademan, Santa, a new set of heroes and villains and a much older staff-carrying, card flipping young woman :)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: [ORG] Christmas in the Arcademan Universe (complete story posted)
« Reply #18 on: November 30 2010, 08:33 pm »
Sounds Interesting :D
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