AuthorTopic: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk  (Read 3783 times)

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Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« on: September 18 2007, 04:16 pm »
Hey there everyone, I thought I'd post this, because we have had the Japanese view of Tsubasa TV/DVD, now its time for the view of the international Tsubasa.  And we need something new to talk about and try to get everyone back online, back into the fun of things.

As some may know, Tsubasa has been released in many parts of the world, North America, Germany, Mexico, and many many more I need to look up, but the point is what do you think of your counter-part releases of Tsubasa? And as of yet, which one is your more Fav. Episode, your least, and what bugged you, but you grew to love it anyways? If it still bug's you, ok then, just no major bashing, (be it voice actor's, people being paired with one another, stuff like that is welcomed, just don't force your own idea's onto others.)

Well as of yet, I have Tsubasa, the North American version. I got the DVD box and what not...such a fan girl.....Poor Fay is in the cover of the box.....not much love there now is it.....hehe, and Kurogane gets two pictures on the main viewing of the box, hehe, but it all truth, the box set is cool, I just wish it came with other things, Like a CD, or a small picture book/key chain/ stuff to make fan's happy....

Now for the DVD 1:

In truth, I cringed....alot. And then I could not stop laughing, I was tempted to go back to the Japanese ver., but as the show went on, the voices got better, and I laughed alot more in the Dub'd ver. then the Japanese ver. because I got many of the jokes better....but still Sakura calling Sayoran.. Sayo, took me to get use to, Fay's calling of Kurgi, made me think of the "Black Cauldrin", but either way, grew on me. Kurogane's voice I liked, Sakura was a little, Fay...Vic I know you can do better, I mean, he is not that gay. Sayoran.....need's to have a little more "life" into his voice. Mokona....drove me nuts.

The box for the DVD was rather nice, but still, there could have been more, even the guts(Paper that is in the DVD) was a big let down for me.....I do not want Advertisement to stuff like DBZ, never going to buy it.

For the Extra's: I thought it was rather placed well, they had music in almost all the places, and gave a shot over at the voice actors additions. Character guide and art.

For DVD 2.

In truth, I enjoyed it more. Everything got better. Kurogane seemed more like Kurogane, Fay now sounds more like a man, Sakura I now have gotten use to, and sounds alot better. Sayoran still need's more life into it, but by Episode 10, he started sounding better. Mokona is less, drive me up the wall crazy...for now...

The box art is nice...again the guts make me sad

For Extra's: Nice as always. More art and everything in between....I just wonder if they have any easter eggs.

So what are your thoughts on the DVD in your nation, or whatever. Just have fun,

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Re: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« Reply #1 on: September 18 2007, 05:45 pm »

 Hey, I wanted to buy those box sets... I wasn't too sure to get them precisely for that dub thing but later I knew it comes with the Japanese version and perhaps, I'll get it... I think that sometimes this language think could be a trouble but it depends... if you didn't watch it the first time in Japense but in your native language there is a chance to handle it but once you always watch every anime in its original language, it comes the dislike thing... that's what is happening to me hehe though I can understand in other language like Spanish and French. I haven't watched any chapter with these language dub but as I said before, for spanish, the mexican or argentinian would be cool though sometimes they overact the expressions.

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Re: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« Reply #2 on: September 18 2007, 11:12 pm »
is hte dub any better else where? like in england/UK? if so i wouldnt mind spending extra for an import, so long as its all region playable =P
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Re: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« Reply #3 on: October 10 2007, 10:40 am »
argh! i wish it was in australia, but even if it was, i still wouldnt know where to buy it from! fndghwdnmbnmqwe! (slams keyboard)
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Re: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« Reply #4 on: October 10 2007, 02:46 pm »
I hate the dub. It sorta sucks. Now for the japanese one, I'm in love with their voices especially Fai's, Kurogane's, Syaoran's, and Mokona!
I watched every episode online though... But it was good.
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Re: Tsubasa--The International Released DVD's Talk
« Reply #5 on: October 21 2007, 03:39 pm »
This is not for bashing, more like a drinking game, if its good, let it pass, if Fay say's Kurgi, drink up.....and let the drinks be soda,