\You should definately play the obvious -big- games everyone seems to fanboy/girl over.
My reccomendations are:
Guilty Gear
SSX3 & On Tour
Star Ocean 3
Smackdown vs RAW 2007/8
Silent Hill 4
Really?? then I mistake the game XD when I was in Europe I remember both games, I thought it would be the same for the III... what a pity, it is a very cool game! I will take one from here to there for the return LOL.
Be sure to use a Swap Magic if you're going to play USA games on a UK PS2 then!
If I could get my Swap Disc to work I'd start buying both USA and Japanese PS2 games, so many games don't get released here! Another RPG that never got released here that I want to play is Xenogears, I bought it but I can't play it till I get my Swap Disc working; I finally got a friend to tell me how to work it too, My dumb self lost the sliding compartment of it tho, so I must either find it or buy a new one

i don't have a PS2 so i don't know about Grandia II...
just want to say that...
Grandia is my fave RPG <3 JustinxFeena rocks >3
*runs away*
both are exceptional games, Oddly enough I think both games have really exceptional Voice Acting too.
I was thinking of buying Grandia II recently actually, since I found a copy of it for the Dreamcast in my local games story. (I played both Grandia and Grandia II by renting them from a Video&Games Rental store

Wish I bought them) but I'd rather play Grandia again, I can't remember how it ends!
Valkyre Profile 2 (beautifull graphics, don't know about the game itself but i've got a feeling it's a good one)
My friend loves that game, I'm going to borrow Valkyre Profile off of her this Saturday coincidently :3 Hopefully I'll complete it in time before my copy of Crisis Core gets here XD