General Discussions > Anything goes...

5,000th POST!

<< < (2/4) > >>

oh well :(

Time to try again then :P

Sailor Yue-chan:
couldnt you have just locked it, and shoved it in the archives? then youd still have that title...


--- Quote from: Sailor Yue-chan on January 20 2008, 02:04 pm ---couldnt you have just locked it, and shoved it in the archives? then youd still have that title...

--- End quote ---
I don't have the option of doing that. Besides, it's all history and if anyone needs to know what happened, thy can check the linkies I provided.

Since all that, I restarted the Wrestling thread and started a whole bunch of CLAMP ones so I'm back on my way to the big 5K :D

LOL.. aww arcade-chan X3... -pat pat-


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