CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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I think the movie looks very promising.
The art looks a little better than Bee-train and I adore the look of Syaoran's face on the poster. so protective.
I have extremely high hopes for this movie, so it better be good.
If its as good as CCS movie 2 I will be completely satisfied.

I am really blind, but could anyone please tell me how they see a Tomoyo-like figure behind Fai in the poster? I am really bad at seeing these kinds of things...


--- Quote from: PlumBlossomKid on May 11 2005, 07:43 am ---I am really blind, but could anyone please tell me how they see a Tomoyo-like figure behind Fai in the poster? I am really bad at seeing these kinds of things...

--- End quote ---

:lol: *Don't worry, it's good that you don't see a Tomoyo in that girl*  I think it's just because of the hair colour and her fringe that she looks like Tomoyo. Although, when I looked at the poster again, she doesn't really look like Tomoyo - maybe just similar features :sweatdrop:

That isnt Tomoyo, she looks much older >.<

I think its just her hair that makes her seem like Tomoyo.

and yes, she does look too old... but maybe it is supposed to look like her older?  :surprised:


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