CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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I'm pretty sure the show will keep going after the movie. Look at the pace it's going for crying out loud. ;)

it mayb a little slow pace but i think they seem to try and fit everything in! and plus like u said- they seems to be a big possibility that it have more than 26 eps- which is a V V gd thing!

as the xxxholic & tsubasa movies- i believe they are separate movies- correct me if im wrong- but i think they are two separate movies!

soooo cant wait for the movie!! yippeee!  :hello2:

Ruby Chan:

--- Quote from: looney on May 18 2005, 12:03 pm ---True But don't get too excited. The movie might be a dissapointment, so just hope that the plot line is creative. :wink:

--- End quote ---

Hmm...with Tsubasa, how can there be an uncreative plot? LOL. I'm seriously hyped about this movie, and I can't wait for a version I can see whether it's downloadable or in the cinemas!

If the music is also by Yuki Kaijura I know that I will love it!!!^_^"
But I also think that it will be great! I'm sure!
Let's think positive!!!

Yeah, I'm sure that the movie will be awesome! I am so awaiting its arrival.


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