CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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I have to mention two things.

-The first one
Kurorin, I love your web page! Visit It has the movie's title with a picture of it.

-The second one
I think the title shows that the movie is very interseting. I think it will have an interesting plot.

The picture is really small, so I can't really see details, but do you guys think that the characters look a little different? Judging by the person in the back, ( I think it's either Yuuko or Tomoyo, not sure) the style of art is different. I really want to watch this movie already.

Also, how about if the movie isn't a continuation, but rather a recap? If any of you guys seen the Raxephon movie, it was sort of like a recap. Maybe it's a different approach to the anime and all compressed in a movie. It's just a theory though ^^

I uploaded a bigger version of the pic so you can all stare at the details as much as you'd like.

Personally, I think that the anime will be something like the CCS 1st movie, in that they already have the story conceptualized even though the manga storyline hasn't even gone there yet.

I am so in love with Production I.G's designs for the movie.  Fai looks absolutely gorgeous!  Their costumes look really neat too.

Thanks so much, *huggles* Your site is just awesome ^____^

*looks at pic*

OMG they do look so wonderful, why didn't they do the anime *pouts*

whoa..interesting news!! i'll buy it when it comes out ^_^


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