CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Movie Pre-release Discussions
o_O *starts having a gasp attack* good lord noooooooooo then i seriously think they shouldnt exactly call it a movie... lolz
has anyboody seen the trailer? if if they have...
does anybody have the traslations of what the trailer is saying? i don't understand japanese and i wanna know what yuko is saying in the trailer :cry:
xxxHOLiC ...wait. is this off topic since it is not about tsubasa mostly? :surprised:
it only has about 5 seconds of Tsubasa in the trailer in the's mostly xxxholic
Is it bad that I think its good xxxHolic has more screentime? -_-
The music sounds <3 XD
--- Quote from: lika-chi on July 24 2005, 02:05 am ---xxxholic = 60 minutes and TRC = 30 minutes
TRC is basically an extra episode. XD lolz
--- End quote ---
so the movie is more focused on xxxholic than trc?
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