CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Movie Pre-release Discussions
Little Star:
Yeah it would be separate, although I'm very happy and excited for see to my dear Watanuki and my witch Yuuko ^^
WWWWHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!?????? 30 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!???????? THAT'S NOT FAIR!! how could ya call THAT a movie !?:angry: Wahhhh!!!!!!!! No fair! *sniff* :cry:
Ruby Chan:
Mind you, thinking back, a lot of japanese anime movies were that short if they branched off series....the Digimon ones were about that length too.
Yeah they were, and like I said, it has a series. Mind you, 3 seasons now, so we might be getting some more 'movies' (a short would be more apporpiate) in the future. I think xxxHolic should get a full 90 minutes, and have a completely different TRC movie seperate, I really dont like the fact that xxxHolic is only 60 minutes long -_-
Pfft, 90 minutes......they should have at least made 45 minutes each, you know, equal distribution?!
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