CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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I just got my July issues of Newtype and Animage. There are some pictures of the movies. I'll put them up. But they're one. From last month.

Sorry for the bad quality. It's just that my room's lights were burnt out and my parents won't change it. I only had my desk light on. Plus I was using my crappy webcam so yea. I was too lazy to get my digital camera, :sweatdrop: But as long as you guys can see. :sweatdrop: <-- Cover of July's Animage. TRC's MOVIE!! lolz <-- OMG! So cute. xxxHolic and TRC movies. xD hehe

It's great that Production I.G. is going to do the two movies; not too many people were happy with Bee Train's series.  But one thing sort of annoys me:  When advertizing in the beginning, they always included Sakura or someone in Tsubasa when the page was for the XXXholic movie.  Although now they have them as two different sections, it's still painful that Tsubasa was stealing spotlight from XXXholic for a while.  >_>
Love the trailer though!

okay, i've watched the trailer, but i STILL don't know what this "movie" or rather, "long episode" is about. are the two movies one combined movie, or something? *brain hurts* i'm confused....

I think too that the two movies will be combined: 60 minutes for xxxholic and 30 minutes for Tsubasa, so 90 together I think... :dontknow: :sweatdrop:

last_memory: has a sample of Yiu Makino's song "Amurita".


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