CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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--- Quote from: LemonPing on April 28 2005, 07:01 pm ---o0oo0 there is a trailer!!!!!! i cant upload it or anything but its in the main website!!! click the third red box

--- End quote ---

Cool! Cool! Cool!
Thanks so much for letting us know about this!
Yuuko looks AWESOME! And the Tsubasa cast look AWESOME too!

Anyone know what's being said?
I'd love a translation.

main website of what?

<--- sorry totally clueless or should i say forgetful ^^;

Kay Hearts:
this page ^_~

omg!! I wan´t to see those movies so bad ;__;

thankies~! just hearing about the movie makes me wanna watch it~

I hope the movie will turn out to be totally amazing....I have to admit I was pretty disappointed with the TRC anime...
Gah...hope the movie won't disappoint the fans once again. :(  I have high hopes on it.


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