CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Movie Pre-release Discussions

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Little Wolf:
There's really not much to see in the trailer... I should have known since it's only the first teaser. Hope to see better animation on this one too...

Ooh, the trailer o.O I think Yuuko is pretty cool ^^ It's very much better than Yuuko in anime :D

Yesh it is but i hope they won't destroy her eyes like what they did in eppie 2

I think Yuuko looks just how she is supposed to in the trailer.
She looks really cool!
I think in TRC she looked stern and more "normal".
Anyone who has read xxxHolic knows she usually looks mysterious, sneaky and naughty. :O)

I can't wait for a preview that shows a little action!

Wow. wow. wow! I just saw the XXXholic trailer, and wowness. I love it! xD I oughta read the manga first before watching the movie though. Heheh.


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