CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Movie Pre-release Discussions
Heh...not too sure if I read (heard..xD) the kanji's wrong or not but what I think Yuuko said is:
"I will grant your wish,
but you'll have to give me an equivalant exchange
And this will be your soul..."
Or somewhere along the lines of that..I think. XP The second line SO reminds me of Full Metal Alchemist! :heh:
--- Quote --- "I will grant your wish,
but you'll have to give me an equivalant exchange
And this will be your soul..."
--- End quote ---
I agree that is so FMA~! with all the equivalent trade and such ^_____^
So I wonder if we are going to see a little bit of the Tsubasa characters in the xxxHolic movie and some xxxHolic characters in the Tsubasa movie.
That sure would be cool.
I sure would love to be in Japan for that!
Someday I would love to own my own movie theater here in the U.S. and only show all Japanese Anime all the time!
cool... yuko looks juz like wad she should look like... n sakura syaron kurogane n fai looks much better...
the movie animation should be a lot more better than the anime.... cant wait for the movie...
Just watched the movie was more than nothing...except the fact that Yuuko-san looks so much...but she looks pretty manga-ish even in the movie, at least to me....
and the tsubasa chronicle movie....still the same pic that we saw few days ago...nothing new about it though. :keke:
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