CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Season 3 Petition
I have to agree with most of the people that have posted before me. I'll have to pass this petition and trust in CLAMP that they'll some how make a better Tsubasa Chronicles then what BeeTrain showed. I'm sure they know that there are fans in America, England and Japan (Yes, there are fans from probablly around the globe, but i'm just naming the major countries) that were seriously disappointed in the anime and i'm pretty sure they're not going to let BeeTrain have any of their works again because if you really do analyze the anime and manga you'll find that BeeTrain pretty much screwed Tsubasa Chronicles over. In my opinion I think Mad House is the perfect animation studio for CLAMP because the characters look...awesome! Just...they look like how they're suppose to be. I do admit that I like the drawing style of BeeTrain better and kinda/sorta of Production I.G. However, with Tokyo Revelations, i'm pretty happy and impressed.
I just hope that the anime contunies to follow the manga (although it was said Fay's past is going to be a bit hard to animate) and not be as bad as BeeTrain's. Don't get me wrong. There were very cute and pretty scense in Tsubasa Chronicles (TV) but as the story wise...not so good. I'm very thankful for Tokyo Revelations (OAV).
dont think it should be aired on tv cause some kids who like TRC might find the violence disturbing.... Eventhough I am a kid watch too much anime which is violent XD
--- Quote from: RenaRyuugu on January 26 2008, 12:41 pm ---dont think it should be aired on tv cause some kids who like TRC might find the violence disturbing.... Eventhough I am a kid watch too much anime which is violent XD
--- End quote ---
Sorry...what load of crap that answer is!!!
TRC originated as a somewhat violent series however it was watered down as an anime, which was their biggest mistake and a reason why the anime series came off awful IMO. If the anime was made in the image of the manga, the question of whether it's too violent would be a non-issue. Besides, if something is too violent for kids, they shouldn't be watching it in the first place and their parents should take responsibility in allowing them to watch such shows.
i was just giving my opinion....
I agree with Arcademan and when I heard that they canceled the third season just because it was too violent did make me mad because i'm sure if they actually read the manga then they would see that there was a ton load of violence waiting at the end. I'm also agreeing with Arcademon that the anime was horrible. :BangHead:
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