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« on: November 19 2007, 02:55 am »
Okay,since my lovely Photoshop 7,0 is gone,I decided to install it again.But with different version & it is Photoshop CS.Here is the problem now.

My sis said that she helped me to install it a few days ago but cannot because there was no space.So,I installed it by myself & it is the problem. =/ What should I do?Anyone can help me?I really need the Photoshop to make graphics... TT.TT

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« Reply #1 on: November 19 2007, 06:34 am »
Don't know what version of windows you are using but I'm guessing XP (thumbs up)

Anyway, first things first(I don't mean to yell but...), WHY THE HECK ARE YOU INSTALLING SOMETHING ON YOUR CORE DRIVE?!

It's never a good idea to install programs like games, 3D editors, or specialized photo-tools in your C drive since it clogs it up and WILL cause other problems. It's for this reason why I have three hard-drives, one for my core, the other two are my Game drive, and Data Drive (Data drive is for all my save games, 3D models, and other stuff that doesn't belond in the C or G drive.

Might want to think about that. At least for ME, anyway, since I started doing that I've had no slow downs of my character and a lot of stuff runs better.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand:

The fact your sister says you have no space means that it is probably the problem. Try killing some programs and seeing if that helps, if not try and check Photoshops tech support page.

If you can provide more info it would help.

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« Reply #2 on: December 18 2007, 08:49 pm »
Honestly, I've seen this problem numerous times with so many different programs including games like the original Sims. First thing's first though...

Anyway, first things first(I don't mean to yell but...), WHY THE HECK ARE YOU INSTALLING SOMETHING ON YOUR CORE DRIVE?!

Wrong. I always install stuff on my core drive, 1). because it's a laptop, 2). It's 100 GB, and 3). There is and has never been anything wrong with installing stuff on your core drive. The immense slowdown is because of all the registry readings and the startup protocols involved with opening those files, not necessarily where they're located. It's true that filling up your C: drive to the brim can completely wreck your performance, but if there's at least 1 or 2 GB left of space to toy around with, it's fine.

Kasawa, I'll tell you right now that's simply not the source of the problem. Notice in the Error field, it mentions a Cyclic Redundancy Check. A CRC is a little value attached to a file to determine what data it has, used normally to figure out whether a file is damaged or not. If the value changes from the original reading, then the computer knows the data is corrupted, and prevents the installation from continuing.

So it's either the disc or the drive that's wrecked. One of them is either broken or simply isn't clean. You're probably gonna need to buy (hah! who BUYS stuff these days) a new copy of whatever program you decide to use. Go get a more updated version of that program while you're at it... Photoshop CS is ancient.
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« Reply #3 on: December 19 2007, 12:07 am »
have you defragged your hard drive? try doing that before instlling it. that usually frees up ALOT of space

incase you dont know how: go to My Comuter and right-click the C drive icon, go to properties, the second tab is TOOLS... theres 3 things to do. first go ti the first tool... it might be a good ideq to run a test for errors. then go to the second tool.."analyze" will tell you how fragmented your drive is. then run the program. depending on your memory, this usully takes a while. after wards, youll have gotten a little bit more space.
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« Reply #4 on: December 19 2007, 06:51 am »
Again, hard drive space isn't so much the source of the problem as making sure the disc is clean or not damaged. But defragging your hard drive regularly is a good habit to make either way.
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