CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE


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--- Quote from: Kasawa Lanford on December 07 2007, 09:54 am ---I wasn't aware my question implied I was 'teasing' her. I merely was asking her what she wanted to change, I apologize for not making my intention's more clear.

--- End quote ---

Alright then, my bad. I personally thought it was very obvious what she meant, but clearly others didn't.

Kasawa Lanford:
Sometimes, what may be obvious to some, isn' to others. Either due to the way the sentence is constructed, or because of a language barrier (language isn't the case here)

But glad we cleared that up ;)

Sorry you guys.... :sweatdrop:

Kasawa Lanford:
Not a problem ^_^


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