
This story is a collaboration between myself and Dark Alpha.
Almost a year has gone by since the new peace treaty was signed between ZAFT and the Earth Alliance; nuclear weapons have been disposed of, most of the gundams owned by both sides are scrapped for their parts to be used in civilian transports. Kira, Athrun and Lacus return to ORB to help Cagalli, while Shinn and Luna stay with ZAFT, but main a professional relationship while on duty.
The Eternal and Archangel once again disappear from the scene, along with their respective crews minus those who have already returned.
However, peace isn't something that will be kept. Unbeknowst to either faction, a splinter group of combined Cordinator and Naturals have been bidding their time - waiting for the perfect moment to bring the war back and remove the two governments who stand in their way.
Age: 16
Race: Coordinator
Occupation: DNO Gundam Pilot
Rank: Colonel
Gundam/Mobile Armor: KDMA-009
Description: Kitan is a coordinator who believe's strongly in a world that needs change, he's watched the previous two wars bring nothing more than a fragile, uncertain peace. He doesn't know who his real mother and father are, nor is he even aware if he has any family left. He found himself in the hands of the DNO at the young age of five and has since been trained as a Gundam Pilot. During the two wars, however, he worked as a spy within both ZAFT and the Earth Alliace. Shortly after the second war, he was made colonel of the intelligence division and now serves as a front line soldier aboard his specially modified Maganest Gundam, with a personel OS he developed.
Details: Gundam KDMA-009
MMI-GAU27D 31 mm CIWS x2 , fire-linked, head-mounted
EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON mobile weapon wings x12 (Each carry MA-80V beam assault cannon x2, plus a single missile launcher with four missile payload)
MGX-5335 "Minus" multi-phase beam cannon x2, located on the shoulders.
MD-M21KF combinable high-energy beam rifle x2, located on the back. Can be made into a single beam rifle for us in long range combat, or kept as two cannons for use in short range.
MA-M02G "Lancete" beam saber x1, the Lacent is a weapon made by the DNO. Similiar to the beam sabre on Shinn's first gundam. The difference in this one is that it can be remotely controlled on a whime, as in if it gets blown off the users hands. Systems:
Ultracompact Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Fission Reactor.
Variable Phase Shift ArmorSpecial Systems:
Mirage Collde Cloak System
The KDMA-009 was originally designed to be used by the ZAFT Special Forces unit 937. However, during the second war a group of DNO commando's infiltrated the assembly plant and stole the suit. The plant was then destroyed and made to look as if the plants own nuclear reactor melted down, it succeeded, and ZAFT never realized that the unit was destroyed.
In a DNO base on Earth the unit completed with the help of another construction team. It's weapon are mark improvement over those typically found on a suit it's type, but the installion of a special OS meant it didn't have the same weakness that the Impulse and Freedom, along with the Strike Impulse had. With several special arrays set up, the nuclear reactor can feed power into various systems, plus the arrays can store the power for instant recharge of its weapons.
Twelve small 'wings' are planted across the chasis, made to look like an angel, these wings hold the DNO's most smallest, and most powerful, beam weapon. The beams are capable of being 'curved' allowing the mobile weapons to fire on targets not directly within their firing line.
While the ZDMA-009 appears to be one seated; it can actually fit two pilots. The difference is that one pilot is responsible for communications and sensors, while the other pilots and fires the weapons. The pilot 'pod' is armored up, making it difficult to destroy.
The Unit is also equiped with an MCCS, another form of DNO technology that allows the unit to appear as something else. the MCCS is requiped on all DNO ships, which is why they are able to look like ZAFT or Earth Alliance vessels. The 'holographic' field is made in such a way that the firing of weapons, or swiveling of turrets doesn't disrupt the field.
Name: Xion Michael
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Genetic Type: Natural
Biography: Xion was once a happy-go-lucky 13 year old kid from ORB who is celebrating his 13th birthday with his parents, in which begins his years as a teenager. However that was short lived when mobile suits from both ORB & ZAFT destroyed his neighborhood thus killing his parents along with everyone else there. Xion was the only one who survived at that time, and was devastated by the loss of his parents. From that day, Xion's teenage years had to be replaced by being a mercenary pilot in order to make money for a living & learn how to survive on his own. Three years passed from that day, and now Xion is now a famous mercenary for hire to rich clients. What will Xion's fate be? What kind of outcome will he bring to the Third Valentine War? Only time can tell....
Code Name: Strike Noir
http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o81/kyko_shauran/gundam/StrikeNoir.jpg Fixed Armaments: 2 x M2M5 "Todesschrecken" 12.5mm automatic CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x M8F-SB1 "Shorty" beam rifle, mounted on hips, hand-carried in use; 2 x MR-Q10 "Fragarach" beam blade, mounted on Noir, hand-carried in use; 2 x MAU-M3E42 linked linear gun, mounted on Noir Striker
Additional Equipment/Armaments: Noir Striker; 2 x 57mm high-energy beam rifle w/175mm grenade launcher x 2
Serial Number: GAT-X105E+AQM/E-X09S
Biography(Optional): Like the original GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, the upgraded GAT-X105E Strike E is designed to use several interchangeable Striker packs. It most commonly uses the AQM/E-X09S Noir Striker, which combines various armaments. The Noir Striker's "wings" house a pair of linked linear guns, as well as a pair of beam blades and a rocket anchor. The Strike Noir is assigned to Phantom Pain pilot Sven Cal Bayan and serves as his personal unit during the Second Earth/ZAFT War that begins in late C.E. 73 with the "Break the World" incident. Separated from the regular Earth Alliance command structure, Sven's Phantom Pain unit includes Mudie Holcroft's GAT-X1022 Blu Duel and Shams Couza's GAT-X103AP Verde Buster. During the course of the war, Sven is assigned to lead a group of Orb pilots using GAT-01A2R Slaughter Daggers in the hunt for the Martian ship Acidalium and Ergnes Brahe's GSF-YAM01 Ä Astray.
In early C.E. 74, Sven's unit is assigned to protect Phantom Pain's land carrier Bonaparte, as well as the massive GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam. The Bonaparte comes under attack from ZAFT forces, resulting in Mudie's death. Soon after, Sven and Shams are sent to space as part of an attack on the Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD) to seize control of the AI-equipped GSX-401FW Stargazer. During that battle, the Strike Noir is damaged by the Stargazer. In a last-ditch effort to defeat Sven, Stargazer pilot Selene MacGriff uses the Stargazer's "Voiture Lumiere" interplanetary propulsion system to send both suits out to Venus. Afterward, Selene rescues Sven and uses the Strike Noir's remaining energy to recharge the Stargazer for its long journey back to Earth.
After the Second Valentine War, Xion recovered the damaged Strike Noir which finally returned to ORB's airspace from Venus. He salvaged & repaired it accordingly how the Strike Noir originally is, the only difference are the absence of its rocket anchors & the powerful security Xion installed to ensure that no one else can pilot it but him, plus the fact that Strike Noir's controls are reconfigured & redesigned according to Xion's liking & convenience. Xion currently uses it for his missions as a mercenary pilot even until now.