AuthorTopic: Gundam Seed: Fate  (Read 32923 times)

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #20 on: December 13 2007, 01:57 pm »
"Very well." replied Xion, heading off to re-enter the docking bay, where he then ensures that his security systems were online.
« Last Edit: December 14 2007, 03:28 pm by Kasawa Lanford »
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #21 on: December 14 2007, 03:28 pm »
Kiten sighed as he engaged the Majesty's cockpit security system; once Sakura floated out the canopy closed and sealed up - only opening when either Sakura or himself approuched. "Let's change into civvy's and get ready to report in," he told Sakura, the two pushed off the gundam's arm and a door leading down a hallway.

The mighty battleship lumbered toward Lunar base before moving around to the darkside of the moon; suddenly, hidden in the darkness, two large metallic doors suddenly slid open to reveal a massive hanger bay. The battleship slowly backed into the bay, then the doors closed shut. Suddenly the engines went offline, their normal 'hum' dissipating into silence.

Boarding tubes extended from the walls for the crew to disembark. For Kiten and Sakura, they'd be headed into another section of this part of the moon where they had a hidden base, and thus report in a mission success and get new orders.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #22 on: December 14 2007, 03:51 pm »
Just as Xion finished maintaining Strike Noir, he decided to relax for awhile, as it has been some time since he did that. And so, he exited the battleship and off to the moon's city.

He then looked around the city he is now in, and decided to just walk around to ease his mind.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #23 on: December 15 2007, 04:26 am »
From both the inside and out; the city that the organization owned didn't look like it could house an organization bent on destroying two governments. City folk went about their daily business, tending to their jobs or helping people out, but each person was armed with a firearm that was hidden away from the prying eyes of either the Zaft or the Earth Alliance.

Kiten and Sakura had driven from the hanger bay out into the city and into a large circular glass building. They rode an elevator up to the top floor, stepping off they found the floor to be littered with a variety of earth based plants. "Beautiful place," Sakura commented as they walked slowing down a concrete path leading into a small house.

Inside an older man wearing a dark kimono was staring out over the city. "You two did good; January 9 has taken so much damage that the people have been evacuated to other PLANTS," the man said, his hands clasped behind his back. "Not to mention you dealt a crippling blow already to the Earth Alliance military,"

"We only did as we were instructed," Kiten said. The man nodded and turned toward the two of them before walking over to his chair. "That you have, I have another mission for you but for now let's wait awhile and see what transpires. I'm sure Zaft and the Earth Alliance are scrambling to find information on us, no doubt they'll get some but not all," the man said and turned back toward the windows.

Silence fell over the room for several minutes, finally the man let out a satisfying sigh. "Get some rest, relax a bit, I'll page you when I feel the moment to strike is up," he said.

Kiten and Sakura nodded, bowed, and then left the home and thus the floor. "Another mission eh? I wonder what that man will us do," Sakura wondered, but Kiten didn't say a word.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #24 on: December 16 2007, 01:56 am »
As Xion continued walking around the city, he could notice several people looking at him. However they weren't looking at him due to thinking of him as an outsider or such, but merely by his attire. It was as if to them Xion's appearance screamed mercenary, so it concludes that they were looking at him due to fearing that if he is on a mission to attack them or such. However even if so, none would have the courage to face against a well-knowned mercenary such as Xion, so they continued on carrying out their daily routines. Xion simply smirked a little, satisfied that his temporary time of relaxation won't be ruined by the public.

After walking around a couple more minutes, he proceeded to sit outside of a cafe restaurant and ordered a shish kebab, along with a glass of Martini as well. As soon as his order came back, he began taking a sip of his martini before eating his shish kebab in peace.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #25 on: December 16 2007, 05:32 pm »
Kiten sighed as he sat in a chair at a four star restruant. The waiter had just taken his order and was leaving, Sakura was staring out at the man-made lake that was laid out behind them. The lake was empty of any wild-life, but what it lacked in animals it made up for in splendid beauty.

The center of the lake had a shooting fountain, water shot up to five feet in the air before raining back down into the lake. The water came out in glistening colors of red, blue, green and purple - marking the organization's base colors.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Sakura said to Kiten, he just nodded, his face propped up by his hand. His elbow was on the table and he was looking toward the door, his other hand was presse firmly against the pistol he had in his pocket. Then, as the seconds ticked by, it was as if a buzzer had gone off in his head had the door to the restruant opened up to reveal two Earth Alliance officers.

In that instant silence fell over the restruant, it's customers gave the officers dirty looks, some looked to be ready to throw their glasses at the men if they took any further step. "Hostile atmosphere," one officer said as he turned to his friends, then the restruant owner came by and offered them a seat near the lake. It was the normal 'treat both sides well while tricking them' tactic. Meaning the restruant would bill them 'twice' the amount of any normal restraunt.

"Huh... wish I could've taken a shot," Kiten grumbled and turned his head toward the lake. "You'll get your chance I'm sure," Sakura beamed and waited. A few minute's later the waiter came back with their drinks, and told them that their dinner would take a bit longer as what they had ordered wasn't 'standard'

"Take your time, we ain't going anywhere," Kiten said and took a sip from his drink.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #26 on: December 17 2007, 04:11 pm »
Just as Xion continued on enjoying his meal, it was abruptly ended when he could hear the sound of a 16-year old girl screaming for help, while the remaining voices are the publics. With that Xion stopped eating his meal, took another sip of Martini, and head out to find the source of all this commotion that is interrupting his meal.

(OOC: Let the lady be Meyrin, like as if the public is attempting to do something to her.  ^^”)
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #27 on: December 17 2007, 04:33 pm »
She ran, her feet taking her down the street and away from an unrulely mob. "Get her!" someone shouted as he held up what appeared to be a weapon.

"What the heck is going on!" The girl shouted as she fled.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #28 on: December 17 2007, 04:41 pm »
Just as if in the nick of time, Xion dashed in and took the girl out of harm's way, towards a dark alley.

"Stay here for awhile, if you wish to live." said Xion, before heading to look at the unrulely mob, not showing any sign of fear at all.

"Anybody here who has problems with an unarmed teenage girl?" asked Xion to the crowd in a calm but menacing tone, as if warning the mob to not harm the girl or their heads would end up being his bounty price.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #29 on: December 17 2007, 04:43 pm »
The mob stared at Xion; some wondering if it was ok to continue their crusade, though others seemed more concerned with keeping lives. It took awhile before the mob dispersed, people heading in every which direction, some continued to stare at Xion, but most kept their eyes foward and away from the man.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #30 on: December 17 2007, 04:46 pm »
Seeing that there are a few more staring at him, Xion simply stared back at them while lifting his sunglasses a little to reveal them his extremely menacing amethyst eyes, before lifting it back down to cover them again. With that he headed off to where the girl was, to make sure if she is alright.

"You alright there?" asked Xion in a calm tone to the girl.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #31 on: December 17 2007, 04:50 pm »
The girl nodded and said. "Thank you, uhh.. who are you?" she asked the man.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #32 on: December 17 2007, 04:55 pm »
"Me? I am Lucas Scott, its a pleasure to meet you. And you are?" asked Xion in an alias identity towards the girl to hide who he really is.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #33 on: December 17 2007, 04:57 pm »
She looked at him oddly before saying. "Nice to meet you Lucas, my name is Meyrin, Meyrin Hawke," Meyrin said and looked around. "So.. uhh.. what do you do here?"
« Last Edit: December 17 2007, 05:12 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #34 on: December 17 2007, 04:59 pm »
"Nice to meet you Meyrin, and I'm simply here just to enjoy a good meal and relax as I have the time to do so." explained Xion.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #35 on: December 18 2007, 10:41 am »
"Ahhh.." Meyrin said. "Do you work here?" she curiously asked.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #36 on: December 20 2007, 03:05 am »
"No, you can say I am just a wanderer, travelling around to see new places." explained Xion, covering up with a fake story.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #37 on: December 20 2007, 02:43 pm »
Meyrin nodded. "I see," she said and looked toward a group of people who were staring at her. "D-do you know a place that's a bit more.... private?"

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #38 on: December 20 2007, 09:38 pm »
Not wanting a scene to happen, Xion then decided to bring her to the place where he is eating at. He knew the people there, so there won't be any problem going to that particular place.

"Follow me." said Xion, heading back into the place while making sure Meyrin followed him. He then beckoned Meyrin to sit on the second table, before sitting down himself. The location of their table is close to the open lake, so its rather a romantic view. However Xion simply threw that thought out, not even sure why he thought of it in the first place.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #39 on: December 23 2007, 07:21 pm »
"This.. is a beautiful place," Meyrin said as she looked across the lake. Nearby music piped through ceiling speakers while a band keyed their instruments to the music.

She kept her ear to the music; listneing to the rythm that the band was giving off. "I never knew this portion of the Lunar City existed, I wonder why it's not on any of the maps..." Meyrin wondered aloud.

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