AuthorTopic: Gundam Seed: Fate  (Read 32903 times)

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #60 on: January 09 2008, 07:22 pm »
Noticing Meyrin walking off somewhere else, he secretly exited the building and followed her while not being seen by anyone.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #61 on: January 17 2008, 06:14 pm »
Meyrin had only gone a short distance; she hadn't been to sure how to take the path so she didn't to take the path of least residence - straight. It lead her to a secure check point where she showed her ID to the Zaft guards. "I'll only be a few minutes," she told him.

SHe made her way into the building and up two floors before arriving in a room full of communications gear. Switching the gear online, she ran an encryption check and smiled when all the lines showed up as being secure. "Well, time to make my report," she said and started relaying what she found.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #62 on: January 18 2008, 06:33 pm »
Knowing that he can't get past the guards without making a scene, he decided to spy on Meyrin while remaining discreet. With that, he hid himself well before bringing out a pair of high-tech binoculars and began spying on Meyrin.
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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #63 on: January 25 2008, 07:07 pm »
Before starting Meyrin glanced to her left and engaged the shades, effectively making it dificult, if not impossible, for anyone to easedrop on her while she was giving her report. As time passed and she spoke to the person on the other end she often wondered if anyone was trying to spy on her. Hope not, but you never though, she thought and continued her report.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #64 on: January 28 2008, 05:41 pm »
Xion groaned mentally at that, as his attempts to spy have grown difficult to perform now. However he himself isn't one to give in to disadvantage, with that he continued spying while taking any advantage he is able to grasp while keeping discretion as a top priority.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #65 on: January 31 2008, 05:03 pm »
Minutes ticked by as Meyrin listened to her superior officer. Finally the man on the other end hung up and she was able to relax a bit. "Man does more talking than listening," she mumbled to herself and got up.

She left the room and crossed the hall to a lobby where she stared out the large window; outside was a large lake that spread out for miles. The ceiling was painted to make it seem like their was a sky, it brought some life to the area but not much most people still felt they were living inside a cave.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #66 on: January 31 2008, 05:06 pm »
Content with the information he received, he then proceeded to make his way out of there without being seen. From there on, he will inform DNO about the  new information he received.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #67 on: January 31 2008, 05:12 pm »
From the balcony of the building; Meyrin saw people below. Some were talking to one another while others were going their daily business.

While watching she noticed two people who she thought she had seen before; both were staring at the building she was in but then left as if they had lost interest. "Odd, could've sworn I've seen those two before," she wondered.


Kiten and Sakura wondered away from the building; they had only been interested in knowing where the girl had gone and from there had kept an eye on the building. "I guess we know she's Zaft," Sakura said silently to Kiten, who nodded in response.

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #68 on: January 31 2008, 05:29 pm »
"There is more to what she conversed at that building." mentioned Xion to Kiten and Sakura, showing a giving them a glimpse of his high-tech boniculars which seemed to play a recording of what Meyrin was talking about. After that, he hid it back again.

"But now is not the time to look at it." said Xion once more, as there are quite the number of ZAFT soldiers around in the distance.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #69 on: January 31 2008, 06:53 pm »
"Just upload it to the database, we'll have intel take a look at it and see what can be used," Kiten said before glancing over his shoulder and back at the building. "For now let's head back to town and get some much needed rest before our next mission, which should be soon," he added.

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Offline Dark Alpha

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Re: Gundam Seed: Fate
« Reply #70 on: January 31 2008, 07:04 pm »
"Alright." responded Xion, heading back into the town area for a much needed rest like what Kiten mentioned. Noticing several ZAFT soldiers approaching, he did a sign only knowned to DNO pilots which lets them know to get moving now.
It is pointless to resist darkness, give in to it & be my slave or die....muhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!